What gives?order of posts


Long Time Member
The dates and times of posts are listed but the order of them is all screwed up. No big deal i suppose but not used to it, couple days now. Joey
I'm told that this website is low on batteries and they can't seem to get the generator started. Hang in there members, Bobcat Bess will soon be back and give it a "tune-up" :)

>I'm told that this website is
>low on batteries and they
>can't seem to get the
>generator started. Hang in there
>members, Bobcat Bess will soon
>be back and give it
>a "tune-up" :)

It will be in ICU before long.
Brian has most of the glitches worked out but going green with the new power system has its drawbacks
"Brian has most of the glitches worked out but going green with the new power system has its drawbacks"

LOL!! :)

I said order of posts, actually it would be the most recent post within a thread are not listed above those threads with older posts, chronological order. Again no big deal unless you, like me, are looking for the most current and up to date info in the world of North American Big Game Hunting! :)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-09 AT 08:23AM (MST)[p]It is not the website - it is you. Just click on the Date/Time Icon at the top of the column on the given forum page (i.e. Campfire Forum) and it will order them by Date/Time - you must have clicked on one of the other headings, just click it again and it will rectify itself.

These headings:

Discussion Topic Author Date/Time Replies

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ya, do what Roy says, click the Date/Time link (underlined) that is above the dates and times.

I should do away with the other options, as I can't imagine anyone views the threads by the other means....atleast on purpose. I'll put it on my "to do list".

Brian Latturner
Joey - I can imagine with you're "big ol paws" you hit the wrong keys quite often?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Tom, Typing for me is not easy...one finger hunt and peck stuff and no help or training what so ever on a puter.

At least, thank God, i don't have to type with my feet, 14EEE :)

Roy went to school for 30% of his lifetime to bless you morons with that peice of info.

Kneel before Dr. Roy..... PHDPDFOBGYN.

"Roy went to school for 30% of his lifetime to bless you morons with that peice of info."

Well, i'll help him out with his hunting and getting big bucks sometime. :) lol

"Kneel before Dr. Roy..... PHDPDFOBGYN."

Ain't happening! Appreciate the help though!!


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