What Food???


Very Active Member
I have had a broken jaw that has been wired shut for the past month. I go next week to hopefully get the wire removed. If not, the week after. So, my question is this: After a month and a half of strictly liquid diet (protein shakes, ensure, things like that) what would be the first food you would eat?? I have so many running thru my head it's unbelievable. Never knew how much I would miss food until a month without it!! Oh, and by the way, I've lost over twenty pounds because of it!!
protein shakes...?
taco bell! was my first after...I never had a protein shake...given a few away but never drank one!

Hey mossback,

This is a subject I can relate to. I had the same situation a long time ago. My mouth was wired for about six weeks. The last week they cut the wires that held the top and bottom together and replaced them with rubber bands then a week later took the entire hardware out. The first thing I thought I wanted was a steak but my jaw muscles were a little weak for all the chewing. Back then there weren't nearly as many good restaurants in Reno but one of our favs at the time was Sizzler. So the next best thing to steak was all-you-can-eat shrimp. And eat-all-I-could is what I did. A word of caution though, your stomach has probably changed somewhat in the last month too so all you can eat now may not be all you could have a month ago. Don't make yourself miserable.

Being wired shut and not able to stick even a tiny part of my tongue out for six weeks, there was one other very important thing I wanted to eat. And when I was free, I ate the heck out of that too. ;-)
Ya I know what you mean.... my girl is gonna be sore when I get done with her!!!! lol, but ya I know my stomache won't be able to handle as much as before. I'm going to have rubber bands for a week or two also. That's not gonna stop me from eating the number one thing on my list, if you know what I mean.... But I meant food wise, hahaha.
No matter how bad a day I've had at work, I get home, come on here, and get a good laugh! You guys are crazy! LMAO!

A friend of mine was hit head on in his truck..The impact made him try to eat his steering wheel..His jaw was wired shut for a few months and he pretty much ate all the things he did before...he just ran them through the blender....Kinda weird to see someone eat a steak dinner through a straw...LOL


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