What do Your Think, Embarassing or not


I think your state is looking out for hunters and the future of hunting by doing this. It may help curtail attempts by PITA and other animal right's groups from trying to ban or restrict hunting in the future as they would like to do.

RELH I agree with you but saying that they are using it as a joke that makes the legislature look like a bunch of hicks.
Well Corny, it is Nebraska! You know what they say about the shoe fitting...

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Not at all. It is definitely not as embarrassing as Ernie Chambers was for a lot of years. I think Wyoming will have similar amendment on the ballot this fall, although I did not hear if the governor signed the bill. I also saw the following on trib.com "Last November, voters approved "right to hunt" constitutional amendments in Arkansas, South Carolina and Tennessee, though a similar proposal was voted down in Arizona."

Ransom very close to true. You are truly a philosopher in the same ability of Socrates, Plato or Aristotle.

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