What do you use!!


Chris J (Guest)

I was wondering when you guys are out in the mountains and you dont have any toilet paper what do you prefer rocks or leaves or sticks!!

I prefer to cut my underwear up but i am sick of doing that!
I use toilet paper. I prefer toilet paper. If you are sick of not having toilet paper wise up and remember toilet paper.
we call it indian tp. no disrespect to anyone. i dont know its biological name. there was already a pretty good posting on this topic a few weeks ago. check it out.
my brother used to always say:

when you settin on the john
and the toilet paper's gone
be a man
use your hand.

I guess that could apply to this.

use whatever you can, be it a sock or top of the sock or cuff of a sweatshirt.lol
The first thing to do is when you find out that you have been drawn or you get a over the counter tag, which you have plenty of time to make out your camp list which includes every thing you need,including your friends they need their input also,if you have ladie friends along tell them they also need to think about the things they need colaberate,meaning get togther think about the personnel things yhat you need, such as clothing especially you don't if it is going to rain or snow be prepeared there is nothing like taking more thane you need you will be prepared and don't forget the tolit paper and as to the question what to use have plenty of water and a flat stone myself I carry a wash cloth in a plactic bag. your friend buck buckbuster
use a porcupine. if you do that just once, you'll never forget paper again.
My friend usually helps me. Its kinda like you if I scratch your back, I'll scratch yours. We usually usually use leave on eachother and then we frolic in the stream to clean up.
Harold must be gay...Just a joke Harold?...Your still gay. Why would you have another man lick your a$$, unless your gay!!!
cuz thats what cass likes to do and i get paid the bis vegas bucks for it
I rub my crack up and down on the neerest tree. The ones with the ruff bark helps get the old stuff out to.
Moss .... usually don't have to go far up here to find moss.

I also cut my boxers into pieces......one time during a one week long hunt ... I didn't have any boxers left at the end of it.

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