What do you think?


Founder Since 1999
The GF found this article at the New York Times. What's your thoughts?


NYTimes: Utah Hunters Criticize Market Approach to Licenses and Conservation

More than any state in the West, Utah has expanded hunting opportunities for the well-to-do and has begun to diminish them for those seeking permits directly from the state.



Brian Latturner
It echos the sentiments of what the majority of the MM members on this site appear to feel about the subject from what I read every time the subject comes up on here.
What do I think?

Well, I used to be a a supporter of SFW. Now I'm not so sure. I do not
like the number of auction tags. I wouldn't mind a few of them but there
are too many and it's gotten out of hand.

Utah should not be leading the U.S in auction tags. There is not any state even
close. A few is fine, but not the amount they have.
Thanks Manny!

And this ain't directed at you woodruff!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
New York Time can see this but a large number of those in the hunting world are oblivious. Go figure.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
I'd guess opinions on the subject would divide consistent with those that subscribe to the New York Times and those that don't.

I guarantee you the NYT and it's Editors are no friend of the poor hunter nor the wealthy one. Pick your partners for the dance boys. Nothing like an anti hunter to keep us clawing at each others throats.

And WE think They are the stupid ones! They kick our collective azzes, 7 days a week.

Thanks for helping out Founder.

I'm with lumpy,, the less folks from back East know about what's going on out here in the west the better off we will be..
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-12 AT 08:36AM (MST)[p]Conservation tags and landowner tags. Two seperate issues in my mind. Encouraging private land owners to nurture wildlife is a good thing. Proper regulation needs to be in place to oversee the program though.

I see conservation tags as just an end around game to put wealthy people at the head of the line on public land. That is a very slippery slope, as Utah is finding out. At one time I was for it. I've even helped guys with auction tags in the past. I even bid on one once (it got out of my price range in a hurry:))I don't like the way it's dividing my fellow hunters. There are better ways to make money.

Edit: Who has a GF who reads the New York Times?:)

I agree that the sale of auction tags is completely out of control. The problem is that this is now a regular part of the agency budget. If you remove this revenue then common hunters will pay the price in one way or the other. The real issue that needs to be examined is how much revenue does the UDWR take in compared to other states? I suspect that it is quite high, but I really don't know.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-12 AT 09:15AM (MST)[p]The majority are finally standing up for there rights...
The problems pointed out about the abusers have garnered more anti hunter disapproval from the obvious way it portrays all hunters.
We will actually gain support by putting our foot down on the circus others are turning hunting into.

If there is to be special tags given just add an additional box for a measily $1 or $2 per big game species in the hunt applications all of us apply with. It would garner as much or more income than a few "special" interests and everyone would have an equal shot at getting the fricken tags.
Just a thought.

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