What do you think?



Do you think it's harder to judge a goat? Compared to say an elk or deer... The last couple years I have been trying to get that boone and crockett speed goat... I didn't realize how difficult it really was... For example look at this goat I passed up several times in archery season... What do you think he scores?




LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-11 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]OK mass, great prongs, weak length. I'm going to guess he'd tape out mid 70's.

You are right though the difference between 79.5 and 82.5 is pretty hard tell.

I was told when field judging if you want a book buck you need to line up the 6's. 16 inch mains, 6 inch mass measurements, 6 inch paddles. If you are looking at a goat with a bunch of 6's put down the scope and pick up your rifle.
I believe judging antelope is easier, but that being said it takes time and work. That goat is nice but nowhere near 82 B&C. The hardest factor to judge is mass. Prongs and length are easy, but mass is the hardest to judge because its the hardest to find on an antelope. You can find 16 inch antelope, its harder to find an antelope with 6 inch or better prongs and its even harder to find an antelope with 7-7 1/2 inch bases and 1st quarters. What you are missing is a complete side view of the mass on that antelope. Mass can be deceiving depending on the angle. Front view is worthless and 3/4 qtrs view almost as bad. You need a side view to truely judge that antelope. Either way a very nice trophy buck worthy of the wall, especially w/ a bow. When you see a really big one, you'll know it...I've only seen one on the hoof above 85 B&C and he was a no brainer. That one 78-80 green just because he had good prongs and good mass though the length is lacking.
As mentioned above mass is about the toughest measurement on a pronghorn to judge....and also makes up the highest proportion of the overall score. There are 8 total mass measurements and a fraction of an inch differences can add or subtract inches in a hurry. Each buck's horns are also a little different. Some are almost roundish, some oval, some spade-shaped. Obviously you need to view from several angles to get the best perspective.

I would actually say a 6" base is thin for the antelope I've hunted in Wyo, Colo, and NV. Once you get into the 7" base category...then you're talking! Obviously if you are missing in prong length, overall length, etc you have to make up for it somewhere else.

Although some guys swear by using ear and eye measurements I have found through the years that this has led more times than not to ground shrinkage! Just like people, antelope have different size ears and eyes..and these vary considerably whether you are hunting AZ vs WY.

I've been hunting antelope for about 35 years and just when I think I have it figured out I get fooled! The only species that I've hunted that was tougher to judge than pronghorn was mt goat. If you see a B&C buck there will likely be no doubt in your mind he is a keeper! If you have doubts the buck will make it..continue searching!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-11 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]I would say antelope may be harder to guess on the hoof as any other animal. Without a better closeup photo it's hard to say on this one, but I would say he's in the mid 70s and maybe a little better.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-11 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]agree T-Gun, solid mid 70s...nice cutter, average mass looks a little better because he's so short

**edit---hey, i call pronghorns 'goats' all the time, and so does nearly every 'goat' hunter i know! i also call them 'prancers', and 'speed beef'

antelo-capra americana...american antelope-GOAT

even though they are neither
>Harder to judge a "goat"....or a
>Goats are definitely harder?????

I'm sorry I used goat! I should have clarified that, my pictures aren't very clear... Plus I didn't say a Mountain "goat"... Pronghorn compared to elk and deer...
I think goats are the hardest (pronghorn) to judge. Just my opinion. I think that would have been a great goat to harvest with a bow. Definitely a P&Y goat. I would guess him at 74".
It's fun to be able to see the buck on the ground after you've guessed what a critter scores on the hoof... Here is that buck shot by a kid I met out during archery season... He took him opening day of rifle... He scored at 79 7/8 BC... Nice goat but still not book... I can't get his picture to load?

Here is the goat I took and totally miss judged...

+1, that's still a very nice goat though! I've been trying to do the same as you for the past 20 years...I've taken a lot in the 78-79 6/8 net score area in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana, but nothing over 80 net. I thought the one I had in southern Utah would make it, but just short...besides how can you pass up a 16 3/4 inch antelope...I couldn't. I think mass is the key...a lot of the bigger antelope say 17 inchers get targeted because everyone overall likes length and they stand out more at long range. There are plenty of 14-15 inch antelope in the book, even one or two 13 inchers. I took a 13 incher that went 79 net, like a 2X4 on the head of an antelope. I think a guy has a better chance at a 14-15 inch book antelope in say Wyoming than a 16-17 if you can look and identify mass. Point in reference in one of the last Eastman's there's a kid in there took a buck above the 82 net mark that his buddy passed up...bet he's kicking himself. It was only 14 inches, the kid recognized the mass was exceptional when the buck turned the right way. The other guy just blew him off on a front angle. I believe patience and perservance is key, they say antelope is the easiest to get into the book. Luck doesn't hurt either...I took a B&C cougar with my bow on the first day after a 5 min hound chase...go figure.
Oh and that one is a book buck, above 82 net...a no brainer...mass, mass, and more mass...wish he didn't have that 1 1/4 broken off but really who cares.
That is the buck that tied the state record, he looked fake... Only 14 1/2"... We have a cast of that goat at the shop, he is insane... 91 2/8 BC... All I want is a 82" goat!!!
I'm there w/ you...still looking...hunting the North Rafael this year in Utah...expo tag...we'll see.

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