What do you see?



Ok, what do you see in this photo?


Probably not too hard, but a cool story behind the photo.

LAST EDITED ON May-29-11 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]
Well, not too hard, but here's the story behind the photo. My daughter had just shot that deer and it ran downhill and bedded down there. We sat on the top of the mountain glassing him for over an hour waiting him out. While glassing him, my daughter spotted the elk shed. I remember her mentioning to me that she saw the shed but I was too preoccupied with the deer to pay her comment much attention.

Anyways, the deer died and she had her first deer, and when we went to get the deer, she got her first shed too- both within 50 yards - pretty lucky day!!!

Here's another shot with the shed.



One other thing that was kind of funny, I took about 10 photos of the bedded deer not knowing there was a shed there. Only one of the pictures had both the deer and the shed.

Very cool gaetz, Congrats to you're daughter.. That is a great B&W photo as well...Frame worthy for sure!


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Son, accident or on purpose, that B&W photo is an absolute classic! I doubt I have seen a better one anywhere.

Print it big and frame it nice.

Hats off to your "hunter"!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Thanks for the compliments everyone. I thought the black and white went with her "sullen" expression! It really was a great day. As for the photo, I screwed up by not noticing one of the tines was hidden. It really is a 4x3.


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