What do you guys think about this?

I'm sure I will be the only nea sayer-

I'm not sure but none of the hunters I know enjoy the actual kill.

To watch as these squirels slowly die in pain is not my cup of tea at all.

Maybe the young guys enjoy it, but for me, no sir I did not enjoy watching it at all.

my opinion

Steve Cheuvront
Not sure I'm an actual naysayer and heaven knows I've shot my share of ground squirrels, rockchucks and rabbits (can't shoot tree squirrels in Idaho).....but can't say I really enjoy seeing what (might be) a little extra enthusiasm for the death.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I've shot a few squirrels with my bow. It's not as humane as shooting them with a .22 but it is good practice. I've actually lost a couple of arrows due to those little guys dragging them down into their holes after being shot. It's a little sad seeing them being killed on film. Not sure if that is hypocritical or not.....just the way I feel.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-10 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-10 AT 08:47?AM (MST)

Well - I doubt that many of us would have a problem with this if they were actual rats or coyotes or other nuisance critters or predators. It appears that they are a nuisance in his area and while I don't know the legalities of this in his state, if he is able to control the pests in this manner, then I really don't have any qualms about it, though I don't particularly revel in the gratuitous violence of it all. But if I can watch a coyote hunt video, then I should be able to watch this.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My feeling also Steve, I am a hunter and have also killed my share of whistle pigs and rabbits with a 22, but not interested in this.
just my .02


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