What do you eat up on the hill?



Hey everyone i am new to monstermuleys. I am excited to be a part of this. So here is my first question... What do you guys take in your packs up on the hill with you to eat ? I have done the peanut butter sandwich thing but by lunch time it seems to be a balled up mess. I have also take lunch meat, cheese, and all the good stuff to leave in a cooler in the truck, but i get too hungry by night time when i get down off the mountain. Any advice or comment would be great.
Mostly jerky, bagels, string cheese, apples, granola/candy bars and hard candy. If I pack a sandwich or two, they go in a Tupperware container to keep them from getting smashed.

I used to pack kippers or smoked oysters and crackers, but the cans are a PITA to deal with once they're gone, and I'm not one to leave them on the mountain.
A samashed up Peanutbutter and honey sandwich taste really good if your Hungry.

Jerky,nutbars,raisins,candybar,Gum,Mixed trailmix,Peanutbutter and honey sandwiches 4 bottles of Water and gatorade mix.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
kippers, candy bars, jerky. I wouldn't be caught dead eating kippers in front of the TV. but on the side of a mountain, on a cool brisk mid day, they are hard to beat. Eating a grouse while you dry out,( by a fire) is a memorable moment as well. Don't ruin your hunt by killing it with a gun.
Mostly PBJs, jerky, salted nut rolls, and LOTS of water. As stated above, the PBJ tastes good regardless of its condition at the time of consumption. I used to eat more granolas and trail mixes but haven't the past couple of years.
I used to do the jerky, granola, string cheese thing, but it just wasn't enough for a full day of hiking/hunting. What I started doing is going and buying fried chicken. It's great cold and really hits the spot on the mountain. The other thing I've found to work is take a half a stick of salomi, some cheese and a pack of ritz crackers. Just a few thoughts.

Home made jerky, apples and string cheese in the pack along with a bladder full of water. Back at the truck I have to have my diet Pepsi to relax after the hunt.
I have been known to eat Peanut Butter & Jelly, Peanut Butter Crackers, Can of Beanie Weanies or a Can of Vienna Sausages. Back in the day when I was living more on the edge, I might even eat potted meat, haha.
Long before any hunts start, I take left overs from dinner and wrap them up in a tortila then wrap that up in plenty of heavy duty tin foil lable them with a sharpie then stick them in the freezer. Then say i am going on a ten day Elk hunt i grab 20 or so of them and put them in a cooler, That way i have two per day for lunch.. I also will cook up a couple dozen scrambled eggs a few pounds of bacon/sausage toss in some cheese and salsa wrap them all up freeze them for later use..
Just about anything you can wrap in a Tortila will work,,They will take a pretty good beating and will still be in good shape when it comes time to eat them.
When i am on the mountain and take a break i just build a little fire and toss it on the coals, Turn it a few times,In less than ten minutes i have a great hot lunch burrito, Like roast beef with a few spuds and carrots maybe a little cheese in there..
Trioxane bars work great to cook them also if you dont want a fire. Just dig a little trench in the dirt about 6 inches long
and about 1 inch deep then set a couple small rocks on each end of the trench, So when you set your burrito over the bar to cook it, it is only about 1 to 1-1/2 inches above the bar..
When you use the Trioxane you have to turn it about every 15 to 20 seconds cuz they burn hot..one bar is more then enough to cook one burrito..
I use the heavy 18' ten foil and use plenty so no smoke or fumes can get in, and the 4 or 5 inces that are left over on each end make great handles for turning it over and not branding your fingers.. I always try to have a couple dozen in the freezer, I grab them when i go fishing, Bird hunting or just
where ever..
It saves a bunch of money, Its convinent, And you can make em as healthy as you want them.
They also come in handy when you get back to camp late and to tired to wrestle with the Dutch ovens.
I always pack mountain house meals with me. They are very light and all you have to do is add water. There is nothing better than having a warm meal to give you energy on the mountain. I also pack the Sport Beans by Jelly Belly for something quick and to give me a little energy boost.

I've found what works for me is a sandwhich or 2 of some sorts, Apple/pear, Hard boiled eggs (2 or 3), Granola bar, Can of beenie Weenies just in case. some hard candy, 64OZ of water, and a can of soda (Lunch break)..
MRE never leaves the pack, for emergencies. 2 meat and cheese sandwiches, cheese crackers, 2-3 candy bars, at least 4 Quarts of water. 2-3 packets of gatorade, power bars, Hard candy. If you hike in the high country and hunt before sun up until dark, you need to eat and drink plenty of water. and when you get back to camp more water, never to much water.
If you want to know what people take in their packs, just go for a hike through the woods....... Looks like they pack mostly beer and mt dew. But really, I like the granny smith apples, gatorade,water,poptarts for breakfast,pringles,trail mix,tuna fish sandwich,kipper snacks with wheatthins,candy bar,granola bars,candy-whatever I'm in the mood for that day. No I do not take all this in the same day, Just some of the variety of things I have Thrown in the pack depending on what my taste buds are thinking. The Kipper snacks are a tasty snack and very good for you. I don't eat them at home, cause they taste better in the mountains
jerky lots and lots of jerky

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