What do you carry in your pack?



What kind of itmes do you put in your pack?

Summer sausage
trail mix

Extra pair of socks
ditto on the summer sausage and crackers, I also carry a bottle of hot/sweet mustard to eat with it.
fruit smiles from WalMart
apple slices
thin rope
gutting gloves
Things I always have:
first aid kit
Dr. Pepper

Damn you Scott!
Well, I've been caught out this year at least 4 times with no TP!!
So, now I have 4 sleeveless shirts!

Success is failure that tried one more time
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-09 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]Marley beat me to the punch so i will go with the next most common item

Empty game bags.....

?Life is like a ten speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use!?
For day hunt: first aid kit (tailored to your needs, but might include bandaids, sanitizing wipes, gauze, pain reliever, sucher kit, pencil, duct tape, dentil floss/sewing needle, iodine tablets), knife, 2 latex gloves, headlamp, parachute cord (around 10 ft), 2 liter water bladder+a plastic bottle for backup (you're screwed if your bladder developes a hole, happened to me), tp, matches/lighter, tinder, one birthday candle (great for starting fires, and also good if it's your birthday), gps, map, compass, quarter bags (2-3 for deer, 5-6 for elk), two lawn/leaf garbage bags, tag, rain gear, five cartriges (in addition to the 4 in my rifle, food.
water, campass, lighter, candle,map (depending), gps, matches, first aid, duct tape rope or 550 cord, trash bags,water, game bags extra knife, sharpener, saw, more water and a purafing water bottle, extra bow stuff allen wrench ect. camera, video camra note pad. flagging, emergancy blanket, extra batteries fash light, head lamp range finder, hopefully on e of those spot emergancy becons for xmass?? al this is i my small pack oh ya food, sox, extra shirt, poncho or rain jacket and probly some more stuff i don't need too I carry this stuff for about 2 days then dump it all out and see what I don't need and proceed to put it all back in again

whats in your pack??????
In the past . . . way to friggin' much!

In the future, while elk hunting, I plan to carry my Bull-Pak frame along with 2 knives for field dressing, skinning, quartering; a Wyoming Saw for cutting off legs and perhaps horns (I'm OK taking a cow -- they probably eat better); at least four large game bags, maybe more; possibly a heavy weight plastic bag. When I return from the hunt after a kill, I'll carry the backstraps, tenderloins, and trimmed meat back with me and leave the large pieces of 2 shoulders and two hams in heavy game bags at the kill site.

I would also carry a GPS, a bottle of water, some food. I would leave a lot of miscellanous stuff I carried this year, just because I can't carry all that plus the things I mentioned above.

My wife likes to keep wipes in the cars and bathrooms at home, you know the little individualy packaged ones so I thought hey a couple of those would be a great addition to the items I already carry in my pack.

Well imagine my surprise when I discovered there are two different types of wipes.

There are the wipes that one can use to "freshen up" with and there are the disinfectant wipes that I guess a person would use in a public restroom to wipe down a toilet or whatever.

Can you guess which ones I put in my pack?

I have since learned to pay attention to little details like that.


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