what character?



Of all the tv shows and movies out there ya'll must have come across a character that reminds you of yourself.( or others tell you you act like this or that character)

for me i would have to say it is Dr. Becker from the show Becker...but i usually dont complain about the stupidity of others outloud. I've grown to understand that not everyone got to stop by the brains department on their way to this life, and just shake my head in disbelief when others act like they do.

lets hear who you are the closest to.

I would have to say I am most like Lennie of Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" - TripleK can explain why!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My Mom says that when i was 10-15 years younger, i looked and acted just like what Toby Kieth does now when singing in his, "i'm as good once, as i ever was" vidio.

TripleK...we're waiting??? Please don't tell us its as simple a "Roy's a bit slow"! Perhaps he kill someone/something he loved (by accident) early in life? What is it?!
First off, kilo and shummy, you cant have innees and be anything like those two.

hank hill is a great roll model, but when i was younger i thought Al Bundy...thats who i wanna be like. but i've actually grown to be more like Becker.

LAST EDITED ON May-19-08 AT 07:21PM (MST)[p]Well mostly people think I'm Brad Pitt. I guess I look like Achilles in the movie Troy. That's bullsnot .... I don't wear skirts. I do need a hair cut though.

>I would have to say I
>am most like Lennie of
>Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men"
>- TripleK can explain why!
Well, the character in the book is big and strong but doesn't realize his own strength and he does kill things without meaning to and Roy is kinda like that. LOL He breaks stuff cuz he's just too rough and too big or something. He broke every single window in our house (even mom's huge living room window) and he always broke my toys. Every Barbie, every doll every truck...everything. Roy broke it. Good ol' Lennie. "I didn't mean to!". lol

BTW UGA...did you see us in the Vernal Excuse last week? Me, you and Roy and a few of our friends all dressed in black were in a huge picture in the paper. It was when you and I were stand partners. Were we 1st and 2nd chair? or were we 3rd and 4th? We were on the front row next to Rachelle and Tracy. I think we were 3rd and 4th chair. Must've been the year we went to Durango. Ora is having a "reunion" at Silver Tea but if we want to go OF COURSE we have to buy tickets for her "non profit" org. ROFL Whatever, Ora!
I love Archie. "And you D are NO Archie Bunker." (huh...anyone?)

I miss that character. Aren't you just about his age anyway D?

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