What Area/ Mule Deer



I hunted Wyoming region B in 2010 for my first western hunt. I had a great time hunting, but I was not impressed with the number or quality of deer in the area I hunted south of newcastle.

I have a few friends that have never been hunting out west and are interested in going. Even though I have 2 points if they put in with me we will have 0 I think.

I am looking for suggestions on units/regions to hunt that we could draw for next fall. We are not looking for monster bucks, just good populations and OK bucks 130"-150"

I know some of the regions I might draw with 0 points that have decent amounts of public land are D,F,J,M,T,Y and that is alot of area.

You're right that is a lot of area. Unfortunately, there is probably no one on here that is going to give you a drainage, road or specific ridge to go to. I, like many people on here have spent a lot of time, money, tire rubber and boot leather to find spots I hunt. Wyoming has some great hunting opportunities for deer. Look at maps, harvest stats, google earth, etc. There are walk in areas as well as Hunter Management areas you could research. You may not find a good spot for a few years. Its going to take some boots on the ground to get it done. Any of those units you mentioned are going to have bucks of that type there. If you weren't happy with the spot you went last year, try another spot next year, and so on. You may catch a break and someone may tell you of an area to try, and it may be great, or you may have to stumble upon one yourself. I have been hunting Wyoming since the early 90's. Not every year, probably a dozen times. Its taken several years of hunting to find a couple of productive spots I like to hunt. We have a spot we've been hunting the last few years. Its a general region tag that can be drawn as a second choice. Last year we went 5 for 5. This year we went 6 for 6 with a mid 180"s, a 160, a 150 a big three and a couple of meat bucks. Though, we didn't see anything bigger than the biggest one we got, we were seeing 160" bucks nearly every day. Good luck. You have a few months to do some research. I have a great spot, and I still check stats and research a lot.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-11 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-11 AT 06:54?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-11 AT 06:53?PM (MST)

Thank you for the input. I use all the above mentioned ideas + some and have been doing the online research for 2 years and I have probably put in 40+ hours doing it. Its just hard to pull the trigger on an area if you dont know whats on the ground and when other people are counting on you.

I definitely would not want anyone to give up their honey hole, I understand how these things would best be kept to yourself.

I have a few places here in TN that I will take someone to if they are dying of a terminal disease :)

Not to change the subject but, here is a video of a buck I passed up hunting on my cousins farm in Kentucky a few weeks ago. Not sure where you are from, but I know alot of westerners like to see whitetails and different country.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-11 AT 07:18PM (MST)[p]On the above post I am having trouble getting to entire video loaded, So I put a link to a short clip of just the buck.

Again, thanks for any input only looking for general herd info/areas and ideas.



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Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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