What are your thoughts?

That was a horrible tragic incident that who knows, probably could have been prevented with a sign or two. Maybe they do have a point - we will have to see how it folds out. I think a lot of people let their grief do the talking for them after incidents like this. All I know is that I would be out killing every bear I could after that. Yes I know it is not the bear's fault, but you tell that to that dad who had to run up the mountain searching for his son in the middle of the night and couldn't find him. I mean wouldn't you go a little crazy? I think this lawsuit is part of this craziness and reflects their state of mind after the attack. The State will settle it I'll bet, it won't be quite the $2.5 million but it will be up there.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I agree it was horrible,no doubt about it. I couldn't even imagine. But with that said, It is us that are tresspassing in mother natures house. Nobody is to blame it is what it is.
I agree...should have been some kind of posting stating that there are bears in the area. However, it's the woods and bears will go and do what they want. I'm up in the air on this one. I feel horrible for the family.

Sad for the family.

I can't believe Rod Decker is still reporting the news! I moved away from Utah 25 years ago and he was an old reporter back then.
I agree, very sad. However, here is my point. I am a country boy, always have been, always will be. I spend six or seven nights a year, on average, in Salt Lake City. Should I be the victim of a drive by, some type of homicide, can my wife and parents sue SLC for not having a sign that there may be a murderer in the area? Seems SLC area homicides are all I hear about on the radio and see on the news. Three or four a week sometimes.
Very sad. That would be a very traumatic event to say the least.
A law suit should not be filed. I have camped many times in that exact same spot. It is an unimproved campround. Bears are there. It is sportsman and tax payers that will pay for this lawsuit.
This was a horrible tragedy, no question. We all have to feel for the family for their loss. However, the state and federal gov't. can't be held responsible for something like this. Filing a lawsuit on this is a great example of what is so totally f'ed up about so much of our societ these days. Something bad happens and the first thing people think of is "who can I sue to get some money?" It was a tragic accident that occured with wildlife. We can't expect gov't to always be there to protect us from ourselves, we have to take much of the rsponsibility for our own well being onto ourselves.

Tragedies should NOT be someone's opportunity to hit a lottery type jackpot.
CAelknuts typed this for me.............and we live in the state that invented frivolous lawsuits.

I am sad for the family.
>I agree, very sad. However,
>here is my point.
>I am a country boy,
>always have been, always will
>be. I spend six
>or seven nights a year,
>on average, in Salt Lake
>City. Should I be
>the victim of a drive
>by, some type of homicide,
>can my wife and parents
>sue SLC for not having
>a sign that there may
>be a murderer in the
>area? Seems SLC area
>homicides are all I hear
>about on the radio and
>see on the news.
>Three or four a week

Good points 338! However if you do get clipped by one of the tewakers, homies or bangers from the SLC (wesside - WVC baby!) and your wife hires a good enough lawyer, he or she can for sure find SOMEONE to sue over it! That is the way society is stacked today. And it makes me sick too. Like I said before, I'll bet the state settles it quickly.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I feel for the family.
BUT come on if you need a warning to tell you that your in the wilderness and bears live in the wilderness you need serious help.
I would really like to know if this was the families idea or if some get rich quick scum bag lawyer talked them into it.

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but to skid in sideways totally worn out shouting HOLY SH!T WHAT A RIDE!!!
Oh wait I almost forgot next weekend im going to chase some rabbits, if I happen to get bit by a rattlesnake does anybody know a good lawyer?

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but to skid in sideways totally worn out shouting HOLY SH!T WHAT A RIDE!!!

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