What are the odds???



Some of you have probably already seen this and I don't know if it's been posted before if so it deserves another go round. At first I thought the hunter did this on purpose or that it was a photoshop job I mean what are the chances but the more I watch it the more I think it's the real deal. Btw does it make me a bad person if I laughed for about 20 seconds straight after watching this?? Right now it makes me chuckle just thinking about it. This is Youtube Gold!

yes one of my favorites. the guy shooting probably thinks he is a pro. he misses BADLY ! and he is probably shooting out of an elevated stand with a rest.......poor rabbit
That is hilarious!

beavis, he actually wrote in the section below the video his son dropped his gun the week before and never told him. He got a different gun and shot the buck later that day.
could be making up a story though.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
prolly had his 4x12 scope turned up to 12 power. With a 30 yard shot all he saw was fur. Blam! looked up and could not figure out why the deer was still there.

One of the best on all of youtube...!!

Here's a couple more you'll get a kick out of if you liked that one, all 2 deer-1 shot:

Worst time to get shot by a hunter:

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Boy, them ranch-raised bucks are smart aren't they? Two missed shots before he decides to high tail it out of there! I could hear the guy cussing all the way to my house!

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