What are the expo odds?


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-10 AT 05:53PM (MST)[p]Well, now we know. Will this change the mind of any of you folks? Will you put in regardless? I've personally known quite a few of you lucky ones out there, so chances are I'll pony up and pay the man again...

The odds are none of the money generated from these public tags will even help wildlife. That makes you feel better right?
i say all expo tags and bansquet tags. be cut the same amout as gen . deer tags.... like thats going to happen......
That was always my thoughts until I drew an expo tag. Although, I did give them $100 a year donation. I will spead another $100 this year just because of that very small chance of having a great fall hunt.
LOL! The odds are all lumped together so you don't know what the odds are to draw a specific tag. Pretty useless if you ask me! What if they did that for all the draw odds, just lumped them together regardless of what unit they came from. Think you would hear some complaining?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
After winning the Swarovski spotting scope year before last I feel I will go all in again. Maybe I can get a hunt.

After reading that my tag money I have been giving the states is being given to the Pro wolf groups as refunds for sueing the goverment. I feel better about giving it to Don and Miles.
Hey South_slope if you wouldn't mind elaborating a little more about where the states tag money is going that we have been given them as it relates to pro wolf groups.

I think they need to post the odds of the few that are "thrown a bone" to make in not look so rigged odds. You pretty much should never recognize anyones name on the draw list. But every year there are always a group on known names that appear. The odds of drawing 1 in 2000 is astronomical, let alone two different times or twice in the same year. Drawing twice would be something like 1 in 4000000 under normal odds. The odds keep getting bigger since you can only apply for each hunt 1 time each year. Even 1 in 200 odds you should never in your lifetime draw twice let alone in the same year. It has happened several times though to a select few in the last 4 years. Must be a glitch. There are alot of us who say "well I know so and so and he or she drew a tag so I know its not rigged or has a glitch". "They have no affiliation with any groups". Those are the lucky few of us who where "thrown a bone"

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