What about those ROCKIES!!!


Yeah baby!! Up from last in the division to a 1/2 game lead on who??? Oh yeah - the Giants! Still got a ways to go to catch the Dodgers, but De La Rosa is back on track, Cook, Marquis and Jimenez are mowing them down and of course Street is coming in to shut the door - plus the bats are hot. Helton is leading the way as always with Steward and Hawpe slugging away. Hardly a household name in the bunch but they are finding W's now and it makes for an exciting 2nd half! It's a shame that I'm probably not going to see but maybe two or three more Rockies games all year on TV. At least not until October.(Crossing fingers!!)

Still don't think anybody is going to take down the Phillies - man talk about confidence!! Ryan Howard is a BAAAAADDD man!!

The Yanks and BoSox are now tied and if it weren't for their 8 head the head losses against their rivals, the Yanks would be in a commanding lead.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The Dodgers have an eight game lead on the Rockies, the best record in baseball, a pitching staff that is getting better by the game, a rested Manny, and the best manager in the game. I like their chances against the Phillies or any team from the AL.

Maybe your Rockies will make a run like they did a couple years ago...

...which will include a sound defeat at the hands of the Red Sox come postseason time!!! :)

Dodgers or Phils are the best in the NL...probably the Dodgers.

Neither of them will beat the best in the AL...
ya I kinda forgot all about them I just thought the smelled dead!
another half in all real fashion to go.. its good for baseball!giants are in a funk and we all be in it soon again!




It's been enjoyable watching the Rockies lately. Let's hope they can play well for a while. This new coach seems to have them playing.


Proverbs 3:5-6

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