What a year!!


Long Time Member
Last year in July my 14 yr old son had a freak swimming accident and ended up with a double compound fracture to his leg pretty well screwing up the rest of his summer, fall, and winter hunting season. As luck would be he ended up drawing a Colorado archery antelope, wyoming rifle antelope, and a late season Colorado cow tag. We ended up returning the colorado archery tag and got his points reinstated but as he told me he was going to wyoming broken leg or not, which would be his first crack at a buck of any species. So we ended up getting all our paper work in order and got him a handicap certificate so he could shoot from the truck and I could assist him in tracking any wounded game. Well long story short, after a couple of days we were able to harvest his first buck and was he proud and thrilled with his animal.


The cow season didn't pan out to well since the snow really hampered his mobility. So we ended his season. Although he was able to harvest his first buck he was still a bit disappointed but I kept reminding him about his trophy which always help sway the conversation to the fun we had during our wyoming antelope hunt and also feed him on whats to come next season.

Now on to 2011 he had a new drive in him as he had to make up for lost time. Come the draws he was repeatly bugging me about what tags he would get and if I had heard anything from the DOW. Then the results we coming in and he found out he got another crack at Colorado archery antelope, late cow, and we were making another trip to wyoming for a doe antelope hunt with another father/son.

Everyday he was in the back yard practicing with his bow usually with a couple of his buddies passing the summer away. Listening to these young men talk smack to eachother was hilarious but then over hearing them speak of their future hunting was welcoming as their dreams are as big as most of ours are.

September came none to soon as we were chomping it the bit to get out and hunt. His Colorado archery antelope came first although he was not successful he was able to sneek within 35 yards of an antelope and get a shot off. The expression on his face and the emotion contained within his voice was more than enough to to make up for the miss.


Later we moved to the blind and sat on a watering hole where once again opportunity would knock but he got the fever and was not able to capitalize on this quest either. But he felt the rush and excitement from and animal being less than 20 yards away.

Wyoming antelope came shortly after and what an event this would turn out to be. We all tagged out without much issue and simply enjoyed the outdoors and let the boys goof off as boys do. Their version or a wyoming plains tree stand. :D


Since we had some extra time we goofed around a few extra hours one morning with a round of sling shot golf.


Camp fire was composed of dry cow pies since there was not wood to be found anywhere. Oddly no one wanted a roasted marshmellow that night.



No October deer tags for us here in Colorado this year so we grabbed our fishing gear and thought we'd try our luck at catching a few northern pike lurking around in our area and wouldn't ya know he hooks into big ole gator.


Stretched 43.5 inches and just shy of 25 pounds. Unbelievable luck!! He didn't have to sweet talk me to long to convince me to have this fish mounted.

Now most recently the late cow season opened and yup what do ya know he was able to locate his own cow, set his cross hairs her, and close the deal.


I'd say for a young man having to sit out the previous year due to a broke leg he made up for lost time and opportunity with a vengence. I couldn't be happier of his accomplishments this year and see him grow into the hunter he is becoming. He is already asking about next year and what he wants to do and hunt. Can't wait for next season!!!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Looks like he has the fever bad. LOL. Nice year.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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