
Long Time Member
The Barrett M107 50-cal rifle is one bad ass weapon. It has a max range of up to 1.4 miles. Talk about long distance hurt.

With a price tag of over $12,000 depending on optics, I think I will hold out.
I'll get my boots on before Stinky shows up.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I'll take the Barrett M82A1 in .416 for the win.
The use of a lighter, narrower bullet results in a significantly higher muzzle velocity and superior ballistic performance to the .50 BMG,

"If it moves shoot it again"

The 50 BMG is known for long distance shooting, the .416 is what the shooters who know prefer. It is a scary time to be a bad guy with those guns on the battlefield.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-11 AT 04:24PM (MST)[p]>I'll take the Barrett M82A1 in
>.416 for the win.
>The use of a lighter, narrower
>bullet results in a significantly
>higher muzzle velocity and superior
>ballistic performance to the .50
>"If it moves shoot it again"

You act as if you have a choice between the two...

Oh, and for the win, go McMillan, Barrett aint even in the game.
>Any of you guys ever shot
>one of these guns?

Yes.. I was in the sniper platoon in the marines i got out in 2008. We played around with this gun quite a bit during work ups for iraq. We had it in iraq with us but didnt us it much as they weigh too damn much to pack around so we stuck with the .308 most the time.

They are def fun guns to shoot. They will reach out forever it seems.

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