What A Game!

I friggin laughed my buttt off......I HATE THE PATS!!!!!ALMOST AS MUCH AS I HATE THE RAIDERS!
The "LUCKIEST" team in the NFL. The last two weeks were near disasters.......to losing teams.

Better than a blowout.
Are the 72 dolphins worried yet? Shula was in the both, but i didn't hear what he had to say(being as i am at work)
27-24 pats,

Damn. stupid ravens self destructed at the end of the game, pats down by 4 inside the 30 less than 2 mins in the game 4th and 1 snap the ball and they stop them.....wooohooo right, no the coach for the ravens called a time out right before the snap AAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

and thats just one of the mess ups they had!

I liked it when the pats had the kickoff from baltamores 35.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
"....no the coach for the ravens called a time out right before the snap AAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jake, I'm thinking that was the game loser for the Ravens. They had Brady stopped cold on that play.
They were all pretty pissed too! If looks alone could kill - Ray Lewis would have killed the whole Baltimore sideline!

Did you hear what Brady said about it? It was pretty cool. Tongue-in-cheek he said "Oh yeah, I heard the whistle - that's why I didn't get the first down. If I hadn't heard the whistle I would have - I stopped." Everyone knew he was lying through his teeth.

You can really only blame Baltimore for losing that game. Stupid interception by Boller too. Just keep the ball in play and give yourselves a chance to at least score field goal.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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