What a bunch of Wussy's!!!!


Long Time Member
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and so far only 3 people from our Monster Muley community has signed up for the "Race For a Cure". I bet that just about every single person on here has had someone close to them or knows a friend that has been affected by this horrible disease. Cowboy up boys and girls and give $30 or you money and 3 hours of your time to help out! We'll see you and the start line and if all goes well, again at the finish line!!!

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-10 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]See you there! Got a couple other guys coming too. I plan on doin more walkin and talkin hunting than running.

What's the MM team uniform?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-10 AT 02:51AM (MST)[p]See you ladies at the finsih line lol Z will be there waiting for ya...

Prism I think we all need pink shirts that say "Love me some tig ole bitties!!"...


OK,here goes!


I'm challenging all of you that haven't donated to supersede my lil ole donation of 25.00 (That I will make soon)

I've got work scheduled & I will not be able to make the 'WALK' }> & BS with Prism,never_catch & AWLB.

So Jim,What do I click on to just donate?(I won't be making the run,I mean Walk,lol!)

I think it's time people like huntindude,Piper,Zigga,t-final,Pro,swbuttmaster,(hoytme can donate twice since he ain't the same person as PRO)Nemont,ForTheWall,AndyManSavage,SMACKDADDY Cowboy-Up & either match my donation or do a little showing off & make a donation bigger than mine!

Cowboy-Up or be called a PUZZY,that's your choices!
I made a donation under your name Jim & Thanks to all that will make the WALK,I mean Run,lol!

Hoping others can make a donation as well,if the ole broke cat can do it so can everybody else,come on guys & gals it's time to show your American Pride!
I'm already in under our company team. We do this every year. Look for the guy wearing a camo hat amongst a crowd of squishys. See you there.
Thanks Jim! I needed a reminder.
I'm in, but make some mistake with registration and not on the team. I will call monday and get it changed.
See you all there.

You guys are AWESOME!!! I hope more sign up. The more the better....obviously. It's a good cause, a good reason to visit and BS about hunting a bit, and burn a few calories and prep for 2010 scouting season.
Real cool guys. Thanks.

Brian Latturner
Thanks CUPSY & others!
I see you had to out do me CUPSY,lol!
Keep em coming!
Funds are tight, as is time, for me and there is a Walk for Autism the same day that is a higher priority for me being I have an autistic son. Best of luck to AWLB in your efforts in a worthy cause.
I don't run unless theres a mountain lion on my tail, can i just donate my $30?

Thanks boys. We are getting closer to our goal. I know I speak for all of us that are going to walk. . . I mean run next weekend, when I say thank you for your support. Nothing but good can come of something like this so we are excited to participate!

It's always an adventure!!!
I seen you almost run in Cortez last Fall when that gal missing the teeth was checking you out,lol!
Tell me about it Kevin! My daughters both run track. Now that should be fun keeping up with them. Look for the guy with the oxygen tank strapped to his back, blue face, lying ##### up in the gutter! LOL

It's always an adventure!!!
It's a good thing you're a health professional. You may have give mouth to mouth to a few runners.
A good cause for sure.

On a side note, I often wonder why there isn't the same push for prostate cancer as there is for breast cancer. Just as many men will get prostate cancer as women get breast cancer, yet I don't think I've ever seen a ribbon that says "prostate cancer awareness" or any marathons or anything. Maybe the bottom line is that we like boobies more than prostates and butt holes.
>>Maybe the bottom line is
>that we like boobies more
>than prostates and butt holes.

Ya think?

Here's a great way to raise some money for breast cancer awareness.
Dry fly elk;

I might make a point that my buddy in the Marine Corps,
a Sgt. and D.I., and 6' 5" had a double massectomy, got too much radiation and was stuck with a plastic heart.

YES it can and does happen to men. So check yourself out, no
sh!t, if you are unsure of how or what to do, ask your Dr. or wife, it ain't no giggling matter.

Steve Cheuvront

p.s. you'll see my name above, and I didn't say a word, cause I thought it might get into a b/s slinging laugh fest, but since I think the event is over, I said what I did.

>>>Maybe the bottom line is
>>that we like boobies more
>>than prostates and butt holes.
>Ya think?
>Here's a great way to raise
>some money for breast cancer

Horn you are an inspiration to me,,, Donation made !!
I hope my t-shirt says "save the Ta Ta's"!!! Now I would wear that one even if it is pink! NVB - you crack me up!

It's always an adventure!!!
Makes me proud!!! My wife is really impressed AND excited to be running with all of ya!! LMAO!

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