Whale Wars??


I watched this program for the first time last night and it left me with several questions hopefully someone can help clear up.

First off i am NOT for killing whales at all, unless it's some kind of conservation or limited permit type of thing, is it??

And who the heck are the people doing the program, running this whale saving vessel and fighting the whalers?
They look like nothing more to me than some type of PETA or "save the spotted owl" type of group, totally unarmed and out in the middle of nowhere literally throwing things at these whaling ships with their hands and risking their lives busting through ice bergs in a vessel not built for that.
Shouldn't this be left up to some type of law or coast guard?

Am i missing something here??

LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-09 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]I think it is by permit, you need at least 10 points just to sniff a tag.

signed nanuk of the north!!
I agree with NMPaul that these are the same types that would follow hunters in to the woods so they could harrass them and screw up their hunt.

I also believe they are playing with fire and with the stunts they pull and one of these days one of those captains is not going to take kindly to their bull$hit tactics and open a great big can of whoop ass on them and if that happens I sure hope they air that segment on Whale Wars. They might not think throwing things and harrassing other vessels is so much fun then.

I don't think much of groups like that.. They feel they can do as they wish for their "cause" and laws, rules, and ethics are beneath them and do not apply.

I think the "Red Hot Chilli Peppers" funded one of there excursions. I hope they sink.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Yea that show is pretty interesting. I love the couple shows where the whale killers take a couple of the hippies hostage for a few days lol it's classic. I think their issue is that the coast guard and/or law enforcement isn't doing anything about it so that's why they're out there. Still funny......
Those stinky hippies on that boat are the biggest group of A$$ clowns I'v ever seen. "Hostages"? My a$$. They illegally boarded that ship and then immediately called the press and told them they were taken hostage. They flipped one of their boats just practicing launching it. They damaged their helicopter at the same time and could not fly it anymore. They followed a decoy ship thinking it was a whaling ship for a week before they realized it was just a decoy. Then the decoy ship followed them around and they couldn't loose it. They damaged their crane that launches their life boats and blew a piston rod in one of their engines so they had to return to Australia which was a TWO week trip one way. Then when they returned to the whaling grounds after about 6 weeks in port, the decoy ship was waiting for them. And after all that they still claim to have saved the lives of hundreds of whales. I don't think they saved the life of a single whale. The Japs would of killed just as many whales with or without those idiots around. Oh yea, and the last episode of last season the "Captain" and I use that term loosely, faked being shot, and called the press and told them that the Japs just shot him. He was the only one on the whole boat wearing a bullet proof vest, he was the only one shot, and was shot directly in the heart from a Jap ship that was hundreds of yards away in rough seas. Any jackasses that donate money to those idiots would get more bang for their buck if they just flushed their money down the toilet.
Tell us how you really feel Jim!

Actually a good synopsis. It's all about theatrics - they are not going to save any signficant number of whales.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Bunch of over-funded fruit cakes making fools out of themselves, but it was pretty interesting. If I was captain of one of the whaling ships and doing nothing illegal, these morons would be dealt with severely for throwing crap on my boat, harrassing me, and trying to ram into the side of my vessel. Crazy- The one dude who was trying to navigate the ship thru the ice and did not know port from starbird was nuts.

Just a bunch of "fish worshipers" trying to save an over grown fish...Anyone ever had whale for dinner? Do people eat that fat?

Shotgunjim nailed it.

No matter how much the producers edit their tape and try to sex it up it is real obvious the boat is full of a bunch of idiots. They are trying to portray them as crusaders and the are still losers.

I guess our dumbed down society is entertained by it.
I find the show very entertaining watching these morons. These idiots are going to end up killing someone, probably themselves. I have to laugh everytime they say they are willing to die for whales.

If I ever make it to Japan, I am going to try one of those whale steaks. They looked tasty.
I love watching that stupid show. It makes me laugh!!! Especially when the captain faked being shot.

They really are nuts. Even the psycho's at green peace made a statement that they disagree with the "sea shepherds" tactics and they give whale conservation a bad name

Its like a train wreck, you just can't look away.
Whay they should do is hire that underwater logger guy from "AX MEN" to skipper that boat.

I'd shoot 'em.
I hope the same whales they are trying to save will feed on their floating , bloated carrcasses when they all sink and die out there. Nothing more than Animal Rights wack jobs.
send the whole bunch up to Treadwells place up north and feed the bears

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