We've all got our panties in a knot???



What do you all think about Bloomberg for President???

The Washington Post and the New York Times both carried stories about the conference in the past two days, prompting speculation that Bloomberg is more serious than ever about an independent candidacy.

Among his advantages would be his success as mayor, his reputation as a problem solver, and his personal fortune, estimated at more than $2 billion. Bloomberg has spent his own funds freely in his two successful mayoral races and would be expected to significantly self-finance a presidential bid if he ran.

Bloomberg loyalists say they are prepared to begin the process of ensuring a place for him on state ballots in case he decides to enter the race.

There are some pretty serious players out there pushing Bloomberg to run as an independent.

Might not be a bad idea given the political gap we are dealing with now!

...don't know much about panties or Bloomberg. But the states with open primaries and caucuses have already voted all of my guys out of the race before I even got an opportunity to vote for one of them, so I'm listening...

Never had to before, and ain't too thrilled about voting a write-in for the first time...
I did a little checking on him and while I can't find where he stands on all ther issues I like what I see, better than anyone in the race today. one thing about it he understands economics, but it sounds doubtful he'll run and even more doubtful he'd win.
I doubt that Bloomburg would get in, well atleast I hope not. No doubt I think he would steal votes from the republican party, and we can't afford Hillary to get into office. So lets hope he doesn't get into the race.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-08 AT 02:11AM (MST)[p]Maybe I am getting names mixed up in my old age, but are we talking about the Mayor of New York. If we are, I do not see him pulling votes from Mccain. If anyone it would be Hillery or Obama that he would pull votes from. He is more left then middle from what I have heard about him. He is also as rabid anti-gun as Hillary and would fit very well in their camp.

Well I just did some checking, and I did not get names mixed up. Bloomburg is rated as a ultraliberal, anti-gun, and is even against deporting all the illegal aliens. In fact he made the statement about the illegal aliens, " we need them, we need more". The consensus is that he would pull the votes big time from Hillary and Obama due to his popularity with the liberal democrats. Heck, sign him up to run as a independant, Hillary would mess her panties.

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