West Murderers Creek Bull Elk


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-09 AT 11:42PM (MST)[p]I was lucky enough to draw a West Murderers Creek Hair tag with only one preference point, so I am caught a bit off guard! I figured I had a few years to scout so I was taking it easy, but now I better get crack'n. Anyone have any info to get a guy started? I'm looking for a branch antlered bull or nothin... I live in Burns so I can make as many scout trips as necessary... A good place to start??? Thanks.
There really isn't any part of the unit anymore that you can't find elk most of the time, they move around so much I really don't think there is an area that you can say is the spot to go.
I had 3 PP and din't draw decent area but the elk were in the steep stuff when i hunted it 3 years back....
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