West Beatty's Butte



My 3 friends drew a tag for this unit, along with their 3 sons. I was going to make a trip this summer to help them scout, would anyone be able to lend a hand getting started? Neither one of us have ever hunted this unit. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to lend a hand.
West Beattys Butte pretty good unit. If you hunt the south end of the refuge you will have one crack at any goats. This is a refuge boarder hunt so be very very careful if you hunt in that area. Next area would be East of crump lake up in the flats good area and lots of goats. There are a few other places to go to but iwth 6 tags that is a tall order but they should all kill 75" plus animals if they are selective and have the time.

Dave thanks for the reply! I should have clarified though, it's a mule deer tag.
When he said three friends, I knew it had to be deer as only two guys can apply together for antelope.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-09 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]ahh yes, good point. i should have thought of that.

but unfortunatly i dont think i know anyone who has hunted it foe deer or antelope. hope someone can help you out!
Yeah I'm hoping someone has a lead for them. It's the kids first mule deer hunt, I've seen how much help a lot of you guys are on this sight as far as getting started so I thought I'd ask.

Thanks to all.
It is tough, I hunt chuckar there in the late fall and even in the rut you don't see much for bucks. if I was going to hunt it I'd go down as close to the border as I could, I've seen a few there.
The unit holds deer, but the biggest problem is the 4wheeelers. There is no limit as to where they can drive. I've seen them on top of the Pueblos.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-09 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]We had the tag in '07. We went 5 for 7 and had a good time. PM me I will answer questions if I can. I scouted pretty much the whole unit over the course of the summer.

Hunted it for antelope a few years back... We scouted/hunted for 11 days. We only saw 1 (!) deer in antelope country in 9 days. After we harvested an antelope we started glassing some other country for deer and saw a few... no big bucks. In my experience, if you are glassing large numbers of antelope you will not see deer and visa versa. Anyone else have that experience in W. Beattys? That is not the case here in Harney County. Deer/Antelope share a lot of the same habitat.

Extrapale I sent you a pm. I thought as most of you have indicated it might be tough. I don't have a tag but volunteered to help them scout so I figured I'd ask since most of you on this sight are willing to lend a hand when you can. I've never been in this unit, I'm still holding out for the Trout Crks, but I've heard it may have declined quite a bit since I was there in 2003, so who knows I may end up here if I like what I see.

check out the piute creek area east of adel. early morning be on the rimrock just watch for snakes you would also have a good shot with the same area for a late hunt they tend to hit that area from what I'm told.
If your asking about the beatys butte unit 170A tag. i can share 2 years of hunting it and scouting for 21 days total, with 5 tags filled. in our group----------------------------------------------------------------support your local guzzlers. OHA life member,lapine oregon
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