were to get the funky sig icons?


Very Active Member
Hey where in the hell do you guys get all these animated icons that you are useing with your signatures. Your not making them your self are you. Or is there a site with them all.

1. Go to Google.com ...

2. Put in GIF as a search... or animated icon *wink*

3. Spend the next 6 years picking out the animated icon ya want :)

  • [*] ~~Moosie~~
  • [mail][email protected][/mail]
  • WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!!!


Youve got your avatar web site mixed up with the images from your MRI again. How many times have I told you not to go out in public without taking your medication?

How do I get it over here to this site ?? Step by step , please , I am cpu dumb...NMhuntnutt
That is great I love it. More I wana see more gifs. For dir. to get them to this site. You find the image that you want and just like posting a pic you copy the url over, I put the
at the end of it. I do not know if it is nesecary but I did it any ways. Hope this helps.
Here it is,

Go to the website of your choice and pick out an image that floats your boat. Put you mouse over that image and RIGHT click on it, from that menu that pops up select "save picture as" and clck on it. That brings up a dialog box asking you where you want to save it and what you want to name the file,(that part is upto you). Then here at MM go to you user profile and scroll down to the "sinature" box and copy the address of your new "gif" into the signature box. It will look like this, http:// followed by the address of your "gif", then dont forget to check the box marked "use signature". I hope this clears it up for you all.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-03 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-03 AT 10:06?PM (MST)

I just tried it that way mike and could not get it to work by doing a save pic as I have to copy paste right from the internet site. Can you really save it to your hard drive and and then copy it to the site this would be nice then you could have them on hand instead of going to another web site every time you want to use a different one. Can you give me some additional information on this please. Thanks
Yes you can save it directly to your hard drive and then also save it to your signature box here at MM. It'll appear every time you post a message.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Ryans pics\deer7.gif

Just testing
I cant save these to my documents and change them, i have to stay with one. If i change i will have to go to the website and look for another one. I tried saving them in my documents and changing to a few of them later and they didnt work. DAMN

Ya I tried saving in my documents and it didn't work either. I have been looking for hunting icon's and haven't found anything good yet.


I'm getting close to figuring out how to make my own. When I do I'll make some animated hunting icons. And maybe a few nekkid chicks! Heheheeeheee...
Hey Moosie, That website is totally sick!!!!

How did you find something that disgusting?????
You are one stupid m-f! I get them fom hunt 101 because I make them and post them there to use as I see fit. Get a f-ing clue a-hole!
now if i can figure out how to make the son of a #####, fall over dead.


one shot

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