Went Bunny Blasting.....


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LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-09 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]Well I went bunny blasting yesterday out by the Nevada border. had some success, was 3 for 3 on the rabbits, friends decided to head to a new spot, We went even farther from civilization before our hunting trip ended in tragety

My buddues suby found the only rock on the dirt road.

Here is the culprit...

Here is the scene of the crime and the blood trail.

This happened at 12:00 noon, We were trailored out of the desert and home by 10:30 pm thanks to good people and good cell phone service. Glad I didn't have to spend the night, It was getting cold when it got dark. I knew I should have offered to drive the cummings! Happy hunting.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-09 AT 11:42AM (MST)[p]2 guys in a suby bunny blasting? Usually when you see 2 guys in a suby they have different things on their minds! Jk man it always sucks to spend the night glad you didn't have to.

Wasn't your day! Man, i feel for you, don't know or can't count the times i've scraped bottom getting into places i shouldn't probably have gone. So far i've been lucky to not have something just like that happen. Better days!!!

Funny thing about this guys suby, is the sticker he has on the rear window. It is a picture of some wolves with a crosshair on them. It says, "SMOKE A PACK A DAY" Usually when you see a suby you can pretty much guarantee there are tree huggers inside, not in this case. I'm gonna see if I can get one of those stickers for all my vehicles!

You're lucky that didn't happen in Cali.....you'd be picking up the tab for the space suited enviro crew cleanup

LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-09 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]We don't call them Bunnys here, we call them Big Friggen Rocks!

Kill The rabbit!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Shooting poor defenceless bunnys is bad carma.
See what Happens...
The big question is did you move the rock?
These bunnies were considered "armed and dangerous" and had to be thinned out by order of the anti PETA posse. We did what we could before we ran into one of PETA's famouse rock traps. And yes, the rock was removed and detonated so that PETA could not use it again. LOL.

that rock took out both pans?
I saw a fluid trail on a two track about 7 yrs ago it went about 3 mi! only to be a very good looking blonde in station wagon it was like she aimed for the only rock in the road!
she said she wanted to steel head fish naked! I told her I know a spot!!

been there, done that (not the naked steelhead fishing). Back in high school we put a hole in the oil pan of my buddies VW Rabbit while out in the boonies.
My friend apparently thought he was a race car driver and had no time to react before the rock punched his pan. We saw it comming, but at 50 mph, it was all over but the crying. He learned his lesson and I learned mine, I'll drive separate next time.


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