Wenaha #2 Rifle information appreciated.



My son and I each have 15 preference points now, and we intend to apply for the Wenaha #2 rifle season for 2010. Although I have been studying topo maps and reading all I can find on the Wenaha unit in this forum, neither of us has ever hunted it and any tips experienced hunters of the area might care to share would increase our chances of finding a nice bull. Any advice you Post, PM, or email me would be much appreciated. Thanks. My email addy is [email protected]
if you dont know the unit, or have friends that do, the best advise i could give is to hire a guide. think about it. your honestly talking about a once in a lifetime tag. once your points get to zero, you will never catch back up to those tags. in a way it's just the same as drawing a sheep tag. if i was in your shoes, knowing you have a hell of a chance of drawing this year, i would hire a guide.
UNLESS, you wanted to combine all of are points and draw a tag. you know both your 15 and my 8, we could have a blast.........:) well it was worth a shot??
If you were bowhunting I would say "DIY".
Rifle, I would go guided. These guys live up there and have been watching these Bulls for months.
Thanks Damer, This one will have to be a DIY hunt but I went to Outback Outfitters website and checked it out. He looks like the man to call if I win the lottery before the hunt. Ron
Killerbee, I know you are right about it being the one time in a lifetime of hunting to consider hiring a guide but if my wife found out I had spent that kind of money, I would come home to find all my stuff in a big pile in the front yard and my key wouldn't fit the front door anymore. LOL Ron
Hey Killerbee,

As I intend to draw the no-res bow tag with my 14 points, I'll tell you where the largest bull in the unit was killed;)
elknut.........go for it..........and then give me some info as where to hunt. Lets hope it doesn't snow much between bow and rifle season and move those elk. Ron
>Hey Killerbee,
>As I intend to draw the
>no-res bow tag with my
>14 points, I'll tell you
>where the largest bull in
>the unit was killed;)

i'll bet you will have a good time if you do draw!!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-09 AT 10:04AM (MST)[p]I did talk with John Wick last year on the phone ? very nice guy. I'm sure he is one of the? go to? guys in OR for this hunt. I wish I could afford booking his outfit, even on a drop camp but he is still pretty expensive for my budget.

I'm not that hung up on the score, going to do what I can to sliver a good bull however, if I kill a 360, or 340, or even a 300 with my bow and spend a couple of weeks in that wonderful country doing it I'll be good.

I'd like to find someone willing to help do a pre-scout trip for a small fee. Ya know get a good horse, pack lite, and just ride the unit for a few days. Find the trailheads before the hunt and get to know it a bit. I do believe in foreplay.

OregonRon ? keep me posted if you draw maybe we can help each other out with some pointers or contacts, could be fun to post a couple of bulls here on MM. I hope I don't get point bumped due to the price increase.
>AT 10:04?AM (MST)

>I did talk with John Wick
>last year on the phone
>? very nice guy.
>I'm sure he is one
>of the? go to? guys
>in OR for this hunt.
> I wish I could
>afford booking his outfit, even
>on a drop camp but
>he is still pretty expensive
>for my budget.
>I'm not that hung up on
>the score, going to do
>what I can to sliver
>a good bull however, if
>I kill a 360, or
>340, or even a 300
>with my bow and spend
>a couple of weeks in
>that wonderful country doing it
>I'll be good.
>I'd like to find someone willing
>to help do a pre-scout
>trip for a small fee.
> Ya know get a
>good horse, pack lite, and
>just ride the unit for
>a few days. Find the
>trailheads before the hunt and
>get to know it a
>bit. I do believe
>in foreplay.
>OregonRon ? keep me posted if
>you draw maybe we can
>help each other out with
>some pointers or contacts, could
>be fun to post a
>couple of bulls here on
>MM. I hope I
>don't get point bumped due
>to the price increase.

hey ELKNUT, is this the same ELKNUT that is on the Royaltine forum? the elk call maker? if so- i'm pretty sure with just a little info on the country you will do VERY WELL! i know some guys to ask for some good starting points.
I'm also going to draw the wenaha tag rifle tag with 15 points.I also called john wick but $7,500 is alot for a guided elk trip.I can go hunt Trophy 300-350+ bulls in canada every year for $5,500 and not have to wait 15 years. I have a friend who has pack mules that is going to pack me in and stay and hunt with me.

"Pain is fear leaving your body"
I don't find fault with John Wick, looks like he runs a top rate hunt with staff and expenses to do it. I'm sure anyone that books with him can feel good about the effort of his outfit.

No not the same ElkNut but I think he makes his calls after hearing my bugles ? one would think he would kick a couple my way:) As you may guess with most non-res holding 14 points in OR, I've played with a bull or two in my day. I will take you up on your contacts to go for a ride before the hunt, and I've hunted or helped others in many of the Utah units ? so I'd be glad to help anyone out on a UT draw hunt, or ID, or NM, or AK.

You 15 point rife boys sparing for a tag, keep at it just don't drop a point for bow ? it will be fun to see who draws.

Sandman ? now that's a perfect deal, all you need is a camp cook. If my buddy draws UT I'm going solo on this hunt. It's hard for friends to take a couple of weeks off to help ? we all know how it goes.

Give me a PM and I can give you some tips. I helped the statewide raffle tag holder in the Wenaha this past year. It will be a hunt you will never forget. I have another friend that can draw that archery tag any year he wants as well. We may be over there 2010 or 2011. Talk with you later.

I wish I could help you with info on the rifle season. I mainly only know where elk are during the archery season. I will send you a PM on where I think would be a good place to scout before season, but would suggest you confirm it with other good sources.
You might want to join the HuntinFool magazine and get the list of hunters from them who have hunted the unit and call each one.
Other outfitters can guide in the unit but only John Wick can go into the wilderness. Have any of you asked him about consulting?
>Other outfitters can guide in the
>unit but only John Wick
>can go into the wilderness.
> Have any of you
>asked him about consulting?

Nope,Only about drop camps and full guiding.I would think he would give the best oppertunities to his full price guided hunter

"Pain is fear leaving your body"
Nope, same as Sandman.

I'd be up to some tips if I draw, maybe I'll try that depending on cost. Really I'd love to kill the best bull I can, but it's a big unit with lots of bulls I'd be happy to sliver.
I know somebody who used him for consulting and packing this year in archery season not sure how much it cost, but he said it was well worth it especially the packing. You are right he probably would take the best areas for a fully guided hunter but then again he may not have one in the season you draw. It would be worth a phone call to find out I think.
I don't see where to retrieve a PM on here. Maybe an email to the addy in the post would work better. Thanks.....Ron
From what I have heard of John Wick, he is a top notch stand up guy. Ken Wick will pack out your bull which will open up a ton of opportunities for getting one way back in the wilderness.
You oughta go scout early this spring after a certain outfitters crew chases all of the big bulls through deep snow down into areas where they can watch them until they drop. I've heard there may be rules made regarding shed hunting this area because of a certain outfitters greed and lack of ethics. Anyone
else hear of this?
Anybody hear how the rifle hunters did this year?

"Pain is fear leaving your body"
here one thing i have learned about hunting guides as i have guided on private ground just say you hired a guide for the wenaha unit 1 person has the outtfitters lience the others pay him a fee to be a employee of his just beware there looking to to nail these people i saw it in the unit i hunt next next to the wenaha we had forest service cop and game department up there all the time and the was a hunt thru a major sporting goods store
>here one thing i have learned
>about hunting guides as i
>have guided on private ground
> just say you hired
>a guide for the
>wenaha unit 1 person
>has the outtfitters lience the
>others pay him a fee
>to be a employee of
>his just beware there
>looking to to nail these
>people i saw it in
>the unit i hunt next
>next to the wenaha
>we had forest service cop
>and game department up there
>all the time and the
>was a hunt thru a
>major sporting goods store

Only 1 guide for the wilderness, but other guides can take clients into the other parts for the unit.
has nothing to do wilderness it all public ground call the f/s and check it out 1 thing you have to be inshured
2 have a major 1st aid card
there is only so many outfitters in the unit which in one in 3 units in this part of the state walla wenaha mill creek it the state maine board the gives the guide lience
i spend a lot of time in or around that
that area all i her about is 400 class bulls u normally have 5 hunters in camp had as many 3 big bull tags in camp we have have killed many times up to 4 elk in second season if you want a 350 plus bull go else where i am not guiding but love to hunt i useted to guide for bear and cats and have some in the records books if you want to learn how to hunt follow a hound
>AT 07:59?PM (MST)

>??? am i the only
>one that didn't understand that?
if you use a guide make sure to get his guide lience # check him out with the forest service and the marine board that who is give you the permts to guide and outfitt
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-10 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]I think this is what was meant.....

"Has nothing to do with a wilderness designation. It is all public ground. Call the forest service and check it out.

2 things to guide:

1) Have to be insured
2) Have a major 1st aid certification card

There are only so many outfitters in the Wenaha unit which is one of 3 units in NE Oregon along with Walla Walla and Mill Creek.

The Oregon main board issues the guide license."
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