Wells, Nevada - Helicopter Crash on Travel Channel



LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-11 AT 11:27PM (MST)[p]For those of you fellow MM'ers in the Elko/Wells area, you may remember this summer there was a helicopter crash up at Angel Lake. Well we were up there and took pictures and videos of the crash as it happened. Anyway, The Travel Channel is airing an episode about it on their When Vacations Attack this Sunday at 8ET.

Just thought you locals that remember this, and the courageous work of the Elko City High-angle Rescue Crew and Air Aero Pilot, would be interested in watching.


Have an aunt and uncle that used to live in Wells, maybe 30 years ago or so, remember fishing at Angel Lake as a kid, my aunt made the biggest deal because there were flushable toilets there at the lake. Is there any mention if that will be featured?
>Have an aunt and uncle that
>used to live in Wells,
>maybe 30 years ago or
>so, remember fishing at Angel
>Lake as a kid, my
>aunt made the biggest deal
>because there were flushable toilets
>there at the lake. Is
>there any mention if that
>will be featured?

The flush toilets? plumbers... (shaking head)
grizz, my guess is it's about the flush toilets, and in the background the helicopter crashes.:)


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....


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