well there at it again!!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-31-10 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]

well the 2011 hunt proposals are out and they stink again my heck these guys are idiots!!! are they seriously trying to ruin hunting in utah to the point of total destruction!!?

2- 7 day deer rifle seasons is plain dumb they already shortened it to five days this year. 3 on some units yet they think 2, 7 day seasons with less pressure is gonna help deer numbers?????do they even care about our deer or elk herd honestly~!!! our deer herd is struggling already and they wanna harvest more deer? we dont have a deer pop to sustain two seasons imo. than le elk hunts all in sept wtf is with this how stupid are they getting?
any way here is the proposals. for whatsits worth there is a feed back button that you can take a survey on the proposlals wether or not its heard or not is another thing. i personally think its all pretty dang stupid!!

I hope everyone will voice their opinions on these proposals.
I like LE archery elk getting a few more days in sept. but I hate the rifle in Sept. period. Keep muzz there and move the rifle to a later dates. I hate two deer seasons. I can only see this being bad for the deer. I do like having the hunts start the same day every year. I hope they will listen to the public and make some appropriate changes, but we know how that usually goes with the wildlife board. I forsee this thread getting long!
They first talked of two 9 day deer hunts in TARDVILLE!
After this years 5 day hunt they must expect the TARD herd to be fully reserected for more STUPID management next year.
Comming up on 40 years of PISS POOR management.

Waiting fot Hoytme to chime in Bragging on all the opportunity available in 2011

i just cant see how they can triple the amountof days in 2011 for deer than in 2010 and give less pressure.. literally i think they are gonna anihilate the herd if they do this.

second i dont get why the heck they want the success rates to be so good in giving all the elk hunts in the rut! wtf. plus muzz will have to compete with rifle at the same time. they get like 3 days alone. how freakin stupid lets put oodles of pressure on elk not give them a break so they are constantly chased during the whole dang rut so they cant freakin breed/! wow what a great freakin idea! stupid stupid stupid!

i dislike the dates being the same becuase in stead of starting on a saturday it maybe a wednesday or whatever i just dont like it i believe the weekends should be opening day.
I agree that the pressure is not going to be off the deer or elk, but hey we can hunt both species! (insert sarcasm here). The deer are going to get worked over for sure. I can't hardly believe they are thinking of putting the LE early rifle elk over the top of the muzz hunters. That just seems stupid. I might be o.k. with having split deer seasons but only if they drastically cut the number of tags they give out.



Waiting for "Pro" & the gang to tell us how good the new proposal is?
Seriously, who are the idiots that come up with some of these ideas. Why would anyone want to draw a muzzleloader elk tag and hunt the same time as any weapon tag holders.

I could be persuaded that seperate deer hunts can work if you reduce the total hunter days afield from what we have now. Meaning less tags and much shorter hunts (3-5 days per hunt).

I don't think having the herds hunted from august-december is a good thing and maybe the DWR should be charged for harrassing wildlife if they continue to pressure the herds for months on end.

There's only one thing that's certain. There will never be a consensus no matter what changes are made.
Who is coming up with these stupid ideas? Having the muzzy and rifle hunts overlap each other is the worst idea I have ever heard. Who would want to hunt muzzy if that happens? I know I wouldn't want to. Good luck drawing a rifle tag if that happens. It would only take 40 years to draw a rifle tag instead of only 20 years right now. What a joke!!
Anyone know how the double deer season would work for dedicated hunters? The deer are soon going to be on the endangered species list, what are my kids going to hunt when they are old enough?

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
It seems like the muzzleloader hunters are always getting screwed. 3 days to hunt before the LE rifle hunters get there 3 weekends in to hunt. Most of them are done the first week, I think the muzzleloader hunters should have their own season.
I agree these are some dumb ideas like putting the muzz and rifle together. But, now the muzz guys get the first crack at the big boys before the rifle guys wipe them out.
The only plus that I can see for muzzy hunters, is that they would get the first crack at the bulls, instead of the usual end of the rut, broken tine, sloppy seconds. As far as the deer go, multiple seasons work in colorado but that dosn't mean that it will work in utah...


LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-10 AT 00:34AM (MST)[p]Archery, Muzzy, and Rifle, all in September.

I'm no Biologist but that seems like a slaughter in the making right there.

glad I drew out this year.
I say leave everything the way it is right now, keep trying the 5 day hunt for 5 years and lets see if the deer improve, if they dont lets make some tag cutts, if they do improve then lets start small make small changes that will increase opportunity.
The elk hunt needs to stay the same, or come up with a better idea because what they have proposed sucks.

Also if you take the survey, tell me if you think any of the questions are mis leading...
Not that it is a surprise that any state is trying to make an extra buck but a 5 day season doesn't work for pulling in non-residents from any but neighboring states so they probably did a study on what number of days a non-resident from say CA would put out his hard-earned dough for and ....VOILA! a 7 day hunt! Wait not enough money there so lets do two of them!

Until states stop studying and managing hunters and start studying and managing game things are gonna get worse for mulies! Makes me sick to see!

Put the muzz deer hunt before the first rifle hunt, and move the LE rifle elk back to let the muzzy elk hunter have MORE than 3 days in the woods alone. Keep the five day deer hunt to SEE if it's working.
I don't like 80% of it, how is that Bessy? When I get a minute I will post my proposed dates. They are nowhere near this cluster............!
It really isn't going to give the muzzleloaders 3 days alone. You will have the all the rifle hunters up there setting up camp and scouting. How much you want to bet there will be some idiots that put in for the muzzleloader hunt and switch over to rifle during the hunt. I don't like this overlapping one bit.
well im sure glad you guys all agree this is by for the dumbest propsal ever! do they not want the elk to even rut? they are gonna be soooo pressured. its common sense how stupid all these proposals are.

the deer hunt bugs me the most id rather see micro management than two deer hunts. multiple hunts work in colorado because they have a lot! more deer than we do. any way i hope this propoal is booted out quick if its instated than the guys in charge need to resign or be fired,taken out something they are ruining the herds. why do they even do 5 year plans when they only leave them for 1 year argh these guys are stupid! i dont see one benefit for the animals coming from any of these proposals
The questionnaire was a joke... "many advantages" "some disadvantages". They made a poll to justify their agenda.

I was waiting for a "please add any additional thoughts you would like us to know" button so I could explain my thoughts. NOPE!

Their questions are like asking, "When are you going to stop beating your wife?" They trap you with the question so you can't give your answer.


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