Welcome back to the NFL Mr.Vick


Long Time Member
He's is starting on the road back. Good Luck to him

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I hope Minnesota picks him up. He could help them alot this year.

Everyone loves Brock Lesnar so why not Micheal Vick. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
The man paid his dues, but he will be nothing more than a average QB. Same as he was before his two year vacation.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-09 AT 06:57PM (MST)[p]I think the guy has skills. He's paid his dues, and he will help make the game interesting.

Oh yeah................Cards are gonna kick a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is that ethical?
Denver is going to need a good QB after they figure out that Kyle Orton sucks. Shouldn't be too much later than October that that happens.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
2buckridge -i disagree. Vick was in my opinion one of the baddest ass football players of all time . I think in '05 was when the Falcons were on MNF more than a couple times.Thanks to Vick.
Vick would fit in good with the Raiders.
The bottom line,IMO he will have something to prove! I bet when he gets this chance, Vick will light it up, the football field! He has served his time unlike the 30-60 days that Stallworth got (Homicide). He brings a different aspect to the game these day's. The NFL needs some positive changes.

I agree that he is a great athlete and has a strong arm, but that's it. Very inaccurate, but he can run. Average QB at best.
If you really want to find out if hes a good, great, or average quarterback, put him in Detroit and see if he can save them from 2 winless seasons.

Just face the facts, Cardinals are going to kick everyones butt.

Is that ethical?
Hey Nail, I hope you are just yanking my chain with that "baddest ass players of all time" sentance. The man could run the ball, but that is all. He has a lifetime QB rating of around 75! That sucks my friend. Even Kyle Orton does better than that.
he'll end up on a southern team for sure..saints,fish,panthers something like that...those teams need a QB if only just avg ...


Well Bret pulled the chain so Now Viking can get serious about Vick. HOPING, HOPING,Hoping

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Vick may be an average QB, but he is a GREAT athlete. That is why I think he would fit in perfect in Miami. He could run the wildcat like no other!!! And it is good that he paid his dues and is on his way back!!! Always enjoyed watching him.
Yea 2buck, his rating does suck. But to see a QB scramble and run the ball like him is awesome. The guy has heart.
& while the teams run out onto the field, the loud-speakers play..

?? ?? ??....WHO, LET THE DOGS OUT ??? WHO !! WHO !!!
Miami and Minnesota is out of the running. O-where o-where will he land.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Are you sure MN is out? Favre is staying retired last I hears.

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
Hey, if murders like Ray Lewis can play, a dog killer can play. Someone should give him a chance.
Al Davis has been dead for 6 years....
I say the fish reel him in (no pun!).

Both Minnesota and Miami has said NO-DEAL, I really wished that The Viking had picked him up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Did I mention that it doesnt matter what team he goes to....... the Cardinals are still gonna kick their butt?

Is that ethical?

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