Welcome back Randy Moss


Long Time Member
I'm sure he will catch some TD from Bret and I think it will be sooner then later. Time to get to work.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
keep dreaming.......

I don't know about that. Seems like a desperation move. Favre needs to quit throwing to the defense. mtmuley
Go Vikings!!!!! Randy Moss not so much!!!!

Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
The Old-timers network will start racking up huge wins Baby.

Monday game will be a good one I hope.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I hope my Bears take his head off! We get 2 shots at him this year. I'll be in Chicago to watch Nov.18. Bear down!
Traditional only >>>------->
I lived in Minnesota for Moss' 1st go around. It was funny to see how the locals went from loving him to hating him so fast.
I think Moss will do well with the Vikings and as far a Farve is concerned Moss adds another dimension to the offense that other teams defenses are going to have to contend with. Farve may be getting old but he can still put a lot of smoke on a football with Moss added to the mix it should be fun to watch.
LOOKS like the JETS are scared already posting up some stuff from when he was a Jet. LOL I hope it gets him ready for monday night and he hangs a big whopping on them.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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