Weird things you do


Long Time Member
We all have some interesting or weird things/rituals we do but maybe you don't tell anyone. Nows the time to come clean.

I use to chew my toenails but age has caught up to me and I'm not as limber as I once was. Now I clip em and save em.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-10 AT 10:48AM (MST)[p]F-er you need to grind that up and sell it on the black market as Rhino horn!!! All those clippings may get yo a damn good LO tag this next fall :) Way to be on your toes!!!
Feleno, I thought you collected wading boots. Guess I was wrong.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
i've been known to prance around the house nearly naked in my irrigation boots but was unaware the pictures would ever show up on the internet. Don't stair.... errr stare.

GREAT idea about the toenails. If you got any extras laying around in the carpet I'd be willing to pay you fair market price.
I like grooming my wife's cat.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Oh boy... Here is that photo of Eel again. You see his anniversary falls in line with the opening waterfowl season and each year Eel and the wife have a little anniversary date night / dress up party.

As most of you know Eel is a avid waterfowl hunter and in this photo he is in his light weight Aleutian Goose wading boots and hunting apparel. He claims not only was it a big hit with the Mrs. but the outfit allows him the freedom to leap from the blind and run down those crippled geese.

The weirdest thing I have done in awhile is tell my wife about a guy on MM's who cut's his toenails and saves them!! LOL!
(After hearing this, I hope my wife forgets about my booger eating habit..LOL!)
F-FREAK,that is the most disgusting thing I have seen since I caught my brothers Hot, Blonde, Wife eating a BOOGER.

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