weird remedies


Very Active Member
I have been looking on the internet for ways to cure a stomach flu. There are some weird things to try. One I saw was rub your belly with slight pressure in a counterclockwise circle. People are saying it works.

What are some weird remedies you guys use to cure different ailments?

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Rubbing your stomach in a counter clockwise circle is like a sugar pill, its all in your head.

A spoonfull of honey will help you stop coughing and make a scratchy throat feel better for about an hour give or take. Works great for me and my kids.

hair of the dog


If you can find a Hispanic to get you some Terramycin tablets from Mexico they are the trick for any stomach ailment!!
I am big on taking vitamins, drinking a lot of fluids, I always gargle mouthwash twice a day, that usually helps me through the winter to keep colds to a minimum, has helped a little over the rest of the year. I just hate being sick

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
This is what Snort suggested to me once:
Rotate your Mouse in a Counter-Clockwise rotation until you produce enough gravitational force that it completely fixes your Puter,he never said anything about rubbing the belly?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
>I have a good remedy for
>a bad cough. Take
>an entire package of Exlax.
> You will be too
>afraid to cough.



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ginger works if you can find some, or gingerale works...for a burn honey works, like burning your mouth. thats all i can think of right now


has anyone seen my kittie
For chapped lips, Go out to the chicken run, Dab a little of white slime from chicken dung on your lips. Might not cure your lips but ya sure won't lick em.Rutnbuck

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