Weird food combinations?


Long Time Member
Other nite we went out to eat and for dessert the wife ordered her usual dish of vanilla ice cream with a side of salsa. F'n gross!

Couple of my weird choices are:
Chunky peanut butter on scrambled eggs
Hot milk on Cheerios
and a little mayo in my oatmeal
I just saw that IHOP has a new pancake filled with cheesecake. Might be weird, but I think I may die and go to heaven when I sink my teeth into that!
I know some folks that like to stir up mayonnaise in their pinto beans, that to me is pretty darn gross!

Feleno, vanilla ice cream and salsa.....very weird.
when im off my diet i like to drench my red chili meat enchiladas with honey. when im on my diet i make a shake. i take 10 egg whites, 1/2 cup of pinto beans, 1/2 cup of uncooked oatmeal, small can of tuna, and a small amount of diced almonds all blended together. kinda tough goin down but not bad.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
OMG there are just some things that don't go together.

The weirdest I have tried is sour cream on Spaghetti,or ketchup on Mac and cheese.

Those other suggestion make you want to puke!!!
i could eat peanut butter on scrambled eggs everyday. Its soooo good, almost like dessert for breakfast. You guys gotta try that one.

Hot milk on Cheerios... been eating that since I was a little kid. Kind of makes a milky, liquidy mush. Couple spoonfuls of sugar on top of it makes it better than oatmeal.

mayo on my oatmeal is kind of weird and an acquired taste. the two go surprisingly well together.

that cunconction sounds discusting!!!
Stinky I think that I rather eat road kill than drink that shake of yours. Goodness that's freekin' gross.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Peanut butter on crackers goes great with chili...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
The first one I made was pretty bad. I added a cup of uncooked broccolli. That was pretty bad. Without the broccolli it aint bad. Smells like crap but doesn't really have a flavor. I have to get 400 grams of protein and 600 grams of carbs in 6 meals. The carbs have to be a certain type and the fats have to be fatty acids. soooooooo, I can either spend all day eating nasty crap or I can make 3 shakes a day and take some of the stress off my busy schedule. QT-PIE bout puked the first time I drank one. Now she just calls me dumbarse. You should see the folks in the cafe's when I order large cups of uncooked egg whites. I get strange comments every morning. I would do raw fish but got ecoli from uncooked fish about 3 months ago. That wasn't fun lol.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
buttermilk and cornbread in tall glass,or chocolate cake in milk.that's as strange as gets.cowboy57
I eat tons of wierd combinations.

-Dill pickles in peanut butter is great!
-I mix cottage cheese in almost anything (spaghetti, on fish, steak, hamburgers, and mixed in vegetables.)
-Tomato soup and Cheetos (Not that weird)
-Can of tuna fish with a can of corn
-I love peanut butter on toast, then dipped in milk
I know there's more, I just can't think of anything. At thanksgiving dinner, I take everything and mix it together on my plate. Even my jello gets mixed with the mashed potatoes and gravy.
1 to 1 mixture of whiskey and raspberry crystal light. My check liver light came on last night. I'm just ignoring it
I have "barf" smilie that I usually use for these weird foodstuffs threads. Sadly, when Brian changed the image upload program on MM, animated gifs no longer work.

So picture a green smilie hurling its cookies through your monitors.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Try choclate milk on corn flakes, its not all that strange but, pretty good. Just mix your food together it ends up that way any how.
my wife eats corned beef and cabbage, thats pretty friekin gross.

i have a buddy that pours sour dough starter over his pancakes, gross

oh - and he waits for his bread to start molding a little before he uses it. ???
There is some really Gross food coming out here.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I like a big blob of mustard mixed in with my scrambled eggs in the morning.
Also like a ice cold coke and a few pepperoni sticks on a hot day, the burps stay with you all day!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-10 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]nuts4bucks (147 posts)

18. "RE: Weird food combinations?"
my wife loves to put ketchup on her lobster. but then again she would eat ketchup on ketchup,
I know what the problem here Nuts4bucks. That is your wifes mom probably took her off the nipple and stuck her on a ketchup bottle just after birth. A simple cure put her back on the nipple.

As for me. I have tape worms so don't much matter what it is, I eat it.
I just put sugar on it or honey.
for me Raw eggs



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Two things I'll never try again:

1. As a broke college kid: Egg noodles mixed with cream corn...reminiscent of eating barf. .

2. As an adult whose wife was out of town - Bowl of Raisin Bran with can of warm beer instead of milk...seemed like a good idea at the time but worse than the cream corn casserole.
F-Dude I'm to drunk to read all the other responses til morning but the most strange food combo I've become a big fan of is Dorito, ranch, and cheese sandwiches!! Grubbin stuff dude!!


Pepperoni pizza with pork and beans on it.

Tacos with ketchup, I don't think its weird but everyone else around me does.

A little cinnomon mixed in with scrambled eggs.

The nastiest looking plate of food is a plate of scrambled eggs with that green kids ketchup, tastes good but don't look at it.

Oatmeal creme pies dipped in apricot syrup is awesome! I was drunk and figured what the hell.

Fries dipped in a frosty from wendys.

Crown royal with.... Well its best from the bottle.

I'm also a fan of mixing everything on my plate together, especially breakfast. Medium eggs, hash browns, sausage and ketchup and stirred together! Now that is some good stuff! Then clean the plate with toast so buttery its almost dripping off the toast! Eat that every saturday morning, sometimes more! I'm only 160 lbs too go figure.


>1 to 1 mixture of whiskey
>and raspberry crystal light.
>My check liver light came
>on last night. I'm
>just ignoring it

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