weekend fishing fun.


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-31-11 AT 05:14PM (MST)[p]We had some fun fishing some small deep slow running rivers and some resiviours ( don't know how to spell that word either nor do I care to!)

My wife caught her first fish.

she also drew a rifle tag this year in N. Utah and will be able to say come october that she shot her first deer as well.

She caught 1 and I was able to catch 16.





It was a big bodied 2 point.
I shoot carp but refuse to touch the disgusting creatures. What do people actually do with them?
>I shoot carp but refuse to
>touch the disgusting creatures.
>What do people actually do
>with them?

Here in the central valley the carp shooters trade them to the Hmongs for strawberries..


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I never touch them even if they swallow the hook.

We just kill them and help other animals live and eat. I ate the cat fish last night. Not a bad fish at all. I liked it and so did the wife.

It was a big bodied 2 point.

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