Week one of the LE elk hunt.


Very Active Member
The first weekend is over and I'm quite rain everytime out in the field and didn't even jump a single elk found a lot of rubs and a couple good waterholes. My brother was really discouraged, but I told him to be patient the bulls will start talking soon. Cant wait til the rut im getting stoked.
Jeez I butchered that one my bad shoulda hit preview before I posted that meant to say quite frustrated.
I was up there this past weekend scouting some more for my LE rifle hunt and the elk are still really quiet. I also saw some great rubs, so I know the rut is coming. Once it does and they start singing, oh baby.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-13 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]I'm thinking the rut is( 7-12 days) away yet. You will get some pre-rut first.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
In some areas bulls are still all velveted up. Be patient the elk r gonna start gettin rowdy real soon.
>Jeez I butchered that one my
>bad shoulda hit preview before
>I posted that meant to
>say quite frustrated.

Please use punctuation in your posts. Without they are a pain to read.
>English was never my subject. Ill
>have to work on,that I
>hope 7-12 more days.

Good luck to you!! Post the picts if you get one.
My experience is, once the big bulls rub, they get hard to find, until they start to spout off. Unless you have some water holes they are hitting, it is very frustrating hunting.
We used cameras on my son's hunt and found a bull hitting a wallow. That was our fortune and his downfall!
Keep after it, but be patient and hope the last week is as good as you have dreamed.
drcalderwood -
I am interested to see how you do. Is your boy able to come with you? We were up there on the wasatch this weekend. The season looks promising, but I guess time will tell. If you get some time, keep us updated on your hunt. I would imagine you will find a big one....

Advice from a Grizzly: Live Large. Take
what is yours. Scratch what itches.

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