WEC - fights.


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Best fight I've seen in a long time Carlos Condit VS Hiromitsu Miura. It went back and forth all night, both guys were about out of gas when Condit ended it with a knee to the head in the 4th round and remained WEC welterweight champion. Condit could go against anyone at 170, anyone!
Hated to see retired Marine Corp Captain Brian Stann go down but I'm sure he'll be back soon, better than ever.
jodog, I agree , it was a great card. I hated seeing Damaceo Page get choked out like that but what was he thinking when he lifted , he had to know his kneck was open!
My wife works with Condits dad. Carlos is an animal ,but was tested beyond what we had seen before, but I assure you he will come back twice as tough and alot smarter. He had alot of opertunities for a few different submissions and never took them. He had an arm bar and also mounted to a triangle and never tried to lock into it. He is so mentally set on punishing guys but needs to stay smart and take advantage of submissions.He will be alot better next time we see him.
Yeah great fights, I personally know Doug Marshall who is the guy that Brian Stann beat for the title. Next time I see him I will ask what is next. He's already beat Steve Cantwell, so I hope he gets a rematch with Cantwell to reclaim the title. I think Brian Stann beating Doug Marshall was just a lucky shot anyway.

Piper, how's your period?
Steve Cantwell beat Stann in their rematch sunday night, he pretty much dominated the fight. Brian has all my respect but he needs to learn more than just standup. I have always wondered about his ground game or if he had any.
Yeah that's why I think it was a fluke that Stann beat Marshall. Doug is a brawler, and a lot of people think he's not worthy of being the champ, but he's got moves and anyone would go down to a solid left hook.

Piper, how's your period?
Sometimes you catch a big fist to the jaw and your on queer street. Look at Liddell vs Rampage, when you get caught like that it's over. Could happen to anyone.

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