Website Speed


Long Time Member
Anyone else having problems with the site this morning? I have high speed cable and can usually make a post as fast as you can blink. All of a sudden today the new changes seem to have screwed things up and I could literally send one quicker by carrier pigeon and I'm not kidding. The one I just posted about the poacher took over one minute to load!!! If this is happening to others with a lot slower computer hookups I imagine the site will not have much activity until it's fixed.
I was going to log in and say I haven't had any problems, but then when I tried to login it took a minute. It wasn't too bad though.

For a couple hours last night I couldn't get it to load on any of our devices at home. It's working fine now.

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-12 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]It was totally down for a couple hours last night, so I assume Founder was doing more tinkering with changes he's making and had to shut the server down. Anyway, the speed has picked up here on mine compared to earlier when I started the thread,but it's still not near the "blink" speed I'm used to and it has to be the site because everything else I bring up and go into is fast like it always is.

ADDENDUM: I just did this post and it's now back to "blink" speed, so whatever was happening has been corrected! Yahoo!!!
The more advertisements and pop ups along with anything with a video, it going to cause the uploading to be slow. Pretty soon you can click on to load up and go make a pot of coffee and toast some bread.........

Brian---Whatever it was has now been corrected and for the last couple hours I've ebeen back to what I call "blink" speed, LOL!

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