Weatherby vs. Savage


Active Member
Looking at buying a new rifle from Bi-Mart. Either a 30/06 or 308 and am wondering what make you guys think is better, Savage or Weatherby? Dont know what the model is on the Savage was just looking at them on bimarts website. Whats your take?
Don't know if they still have them for the 399.00 deal or not?
But if they do,the Weatherby Vanguard can not be beat in my oppinion for that price.
A couple years ago I bought the Stainless Weatherby Vanguard for 469.00
Not knockin a Savage,just don't think you can beat the tack drivin ability of the Weatherby for the price.
Oh and ya,I know Howa builds it,you might look at the Howas also.

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
The price is actually like $370 which I thought was pretty dang cheap. No scope but what the heck, for the price I can get a decent scope and still not be hurting too bad. Thanks
Savage just doesn't have as nice of a finished product. Savage is winning a lot of long range competitions. I have a savage 22-250 and wouldn't hesitate to buy another! I don't own a weatherby so I can't speak for them.

I bought the wife one of the cheaper Weatherby vangurds and it is a great gun, don't think you can beat it for the money. Spend a little more and you can get some weatherbys with synthetic stocks and stainless. I have 2 vangurds my self both higher end modles one in 300wim mag and the latest a backcountry in 257 wbymag, both are great guns.
The only advantage the Savage would have over the Weatherby in my opinion would be the Accutrigger. If you like the Accutrigger and it does fall in that price range then that might make your decision for you. If the Savage you are looking at and comparing to the Weatherby does not have the Accutrigger, then I wouldn't even consider it.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I have a few Weatherbys,(vanguards, Mark Vs, Accumarks) and I have some Savages. My Savages usually outshoot my Weatherbys, not by far, but a little bit. I've never worked on any of the Savage's triggers. I've had to work on all the Vanguards triggers. I think the Vanguards looks a lot better.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
>Savage amunition might be cheaper also..

He's looking at 30-06 or 308 so that does'nt really apply.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-10 AT 05:43PM (MST)[p]>Savage amunition might be cheaper also..

Well, if you are getting a Vanguard in the calibers he mentioned that won't matter. You can shoot any brand of ammo out of a Vanguard, they are not chambered in the specialized Weatherby calibers that require ONLY Wby ammo.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You can get the Vanguards in Weatherby calibers,I opted not for a Weatherby caliber due to Weatherby being spendy plinking bullets!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
You can't go wrong with either one, as a rule they are both tack-drivers. The Vanguard is made in Japan by Howa, and is the same action as the Howa 1500. The Savage is made here in the USA. I have never seen a Savage bolt gun that wasn't an impressive shooter right out of the box. I prefer controlled feed bolt guns but the two you are considering are both winners. Just a couple of questions; What will your primary game be and why are you considering the 308 and 06?


>You can't go wrong with either
>one, as a rule they
>are both tack-drivers. The
>Vanguard is made in Japan
>by Howa, and is the
>same action as the Howa
>1500. The Savage is
>made here in the USA.
> I have never seen
>a Savage bolt gun that
>wasn't an impressive shooter right
>out of the box.
>I prefer controlled feed bolt
>guns but the two you
>are considering are both winners.
> Just a couple of
>questions; What will your
>primary game be and why
>are you considering the 308
>and 06?

Primary game is deer and elk. I presently hunt with a 308 and like the caliber but I have several hundred rounds of 30/06 hunting ammo, and the ammo for both calibers is pretty cheap compared to many other calibers out there, so thats pretty much why Im mainly interested in those two.

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