weather report?


Long Time Member
I'm hearing decent reports but here in Southern Lassen Co, we missed it! We did get some decent showers on Wends, but the predicted snow never materialized.

I live in a small mountain town that normally has 3-6 feet of hard packed down snow on the ground at this time of the year. This year, there is no snow anywhere, none!

How's things in your neck o the woods? :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey....A little rain last night and this morning but thats it. Was over around Marsh Creek Rd yesterday and the hills were still as brown as they were in september :-(
We got probably 1/4" of rain yesterday in Eureka. They are calling for rain Sunday, so maybe this cycle of dry will finally break.

Thanks guys!!

It's snowing. Don't think it will be much at all but we'll take it.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
A skiff on this side.

Hunting chukar tomorrow. Was hoping for some "tracking snow." Got up this AM and no snow so I went to work :-(

Tomorrows probably my last chance so I'll go regardless. Checked NOAA weather. The hill I'm gonna hunt is forecast for a high of 33, 20% chance of snow tomorrow, accumlation of 1-3 inches tonight. At least I shouldn't have to carry as much water for the dogs as I have been.
We got a quarter of an inch in the valley two days ago. We have 3.8 inches of rain since July and we have a normal rainfall of 22 inches by the end of June, doesn't look good.
Thanks Guys!!

Our snow petered out not long after it started, about as forcast.

Any that fell last night has already burned off with the Sunny Blue sky. I tell you folks, there ain't going to be much water coming down the Feather River this year. Wood cutter had best get their firewood in early as if this keeps up, they might not even open the woods come summer.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The lack of rain must be stressing the ponderosa pines in my area lots are dying and getting dead tops, won't hurt a thing if half of them died out though ,there's more than needed.
Joey, I had that thought.

Chukar season in Nevada ends this weekend, gotta get my woods permits next week. I've never cut before late April at the earliest but this year I need to get started. On the upside, I have over half my wood left still plus I gave over two cords to a friend that has a medical condition and couldn't cut last year.
6x7, Thanks! Could they be beetle kills? I don't doubt the weather has something to do with it and i also don't know a lot about Beetle killed trees but there has been a lot of that going on in this area too. Some knowledgeable guys say it was beetles that wiped out whole hillsides, done the deed.

Slayer, i used to cut and deliver a lot of wood each year but i'd always get MY wood during the hunting seasons. I'd not only bring my hunting gear, i'd throw in a saw and make it a point that i always brought home at least part of a load. I had the craziest looking woodpiles stacked up nice for winter, about 5 different kinds plus a cord or two of limbwood and even some ceder bark mixed in that i'd pick up after another would peel it off and leave it on the road. Kind of a Heinz 57 woodstack but it burned great and my own wood came about free the way i looked at it cause i was going hunting anyway. :)

Next year will be the first year burning wood in my cabin. I'm burning propane for heat at about $150-200. a month!! Ouch!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
"Drought weakens the tress ability to fend off the beetles with sap"

So you think that's what's getting the trees in your area? Beetles i mean?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Not much going on with our board so might as well post up the weather report for later this coming week. Looks like Thurs thru Tues, at least, calls for Rain and Snow. A good sized storm!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

Joey, nothing wrong with cedar. I try to cut a cord each year, makes the best kindling. But with lazy step children, it's lighter so they throw it on first. Doesn't burn long but "Daddy" will be home soon to take care of the fire.

Throw a couple of pieces of cedar on in the AM, make coffee, get in the shower and the house is warm. Then stoke up lodgepole rounds and go to work. I have had a oak connection the last couple of years so I've been spoiled. On top of good lodgepole coals. oak will burn 10-11 hours in my stove.

Pray for snow.
Looking bad for the water district's along the Sacramento river, they will know by April 1st if they will be cut off from their water supply.
Their's nothing left to give, they dumped a lot of water out of Shasta that they should have kept,sounds pretty fishy to me.
i can't speak for Shasta but Almanor, the lake i live nearby, starts letting water out, to the point of lowering the lake level, during the Fall season getting it ready to be able to accept the normally huge spring run offs. I have seen it much lower than it is now for this time of year.

Still looks like we are in for a week or so of weather here coming up.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The forecast is for rain the next three days in Eureka, up to 2+ inches, more in some places. So far it looks threatening but no wet stuff as of now.

Actually I would rather the clouds hold their moisture until they move inland a bit. Raining right here on the coast won't help the overall situation much.

It's looking better!

Thanks Eel, Starting tonight, they are calling for 5 days of snow and tailing off with rain. As you guys know by now, i'm no big fan of the winters here and the snow that can get to be what it usually is but now, let it snow!!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
You get anything Joey?

I heard Westwood got about 3" by this AM, and Reno got hit also. Ground isn't even wet here. But the south wind is blowing a storm in. Warm so it'll probably be rain.
I didn't see 3", in fact, after sleeping in, no work today, anything that had fell was already burned off.

Cold, Blustery, feels inevitable, but no snow to speak of, not yet anyway!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yep, good solid moisture. Not much snow and even that has melted but must be great amounts higher up. I see this storm ranges all up and down the Sierra, at least to the Mountains below Modesto anyway. A good one for sure!!

We have our every other week during the Winter Poker game tonight over at a Friends in Chester. Good chance that all this rain will freeze by this evening/tonight. Reports say 33 degrees tonight but seems they have been about 10 degrees off on the warm side all winter so far so expecting VERY icy conditions on the roads tonight.

A few weeks ago, we got a little afternoon shower and in the morning, i did a whirlybird, 360 rotation, just coming out of my driveway onto the street. It can be just like a skating rink out there!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
It's good to finally get some rain. In Chico we have got 3" since Thursday. We only had 3" from July 1st to Thursday....that's a big improvement.
We just got a little taste down here in the HD area, WE are so far behind in rain like 10-12 inches short, we are coming up short in all the water guzzlers for next season. Bird numbers will be way down IMO.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Larrbo, 3" in Chico ain't going to hurt anything. That's great!!

Gator, hope you guys get included in this! It's kinda nice to finally have a decent storm.

It's raining, it's been raining, looks to keep raining, lots of rain coming down! I've seen it rain harder before but this has been a long steady soaking, can't hurt!!

I see where this is supposed to mostly continue until Sat! No doubt, this will "help" with some of N. Cali's water problems. How much help? We'll have to see how it all pans out but, as i said, this can't hurt!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I hear the Russian River area is flooding. Heard that water was over Graton and Green Valley roads.
Thanks for the reports Buckhorn!

And there lies part of Cali's water problem...

Do we keep rivers wild with no Dams to allow for the natural runs of wild trout and Salmon or do we system up the rivers with a series of Dams to help hold back precious water from running out to the ocean?

In general, i'm a fan of Dams and Reservoirs. They hold back needed water and provide countless ability to recreate for the outdoorsmen among us. Then again, i'm not ready to call for more Dams and reservoirs than there already are.

I believe i'd really like to see the southern portion of our State make more water holding facilities. I could be wrong but it seems to me that whenever there are big floods down south, a lot of that, later on much needed water, just runs in huge channels out to sea?

Just tossing thoughts around here. Any other ideas welcome.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Seems to be clearing here in Auburn this morning! We've received 10.5 inches of rain since last Thursday. I saw on the news this morning that Folsom Lake has come up 15 feet!
It looks like we've got a good start. Now we need to pile it on!

I read an article a few years ago about Ruth Lake. Ruth Lake supplies our water (for the most part). The article was about how the lake was getting silted in and that the capacity of the lake is falling.

I know that a lot of cities and communities depend on smaller reservoirs to supply their water for domestic use.

I wonder why they don't have a dredging program? It seems to me that in periods of low water it would be an ideal time to go in there and remove some material to increase capacity. But maybe it's not cost effective, I don't know.

They dig big holes up in Alaska on Porcupine Creek looking for gold.:)

We were watching the women's snowboard event last night and our dish went out because it was raining so hard. We got 3/4" in a half an hour. That's a lot in the valley.
seem like you guys milked that sucker dry before it got down here. We got a small little shot wet the ground only. Hoping and praying some more will follow that last one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Good solid rain from 6 PM Friday constant through early morning hours on Monday. Woke up to about 2" of wet, frozen snow this AM. Wild ride to work this morning. If i had it to do over again I would have locked the hubs in. :)
It's been a real gully washer here on the north coast the past few days, with more on the way. I heard Crescent City got 1/3" an hour yesterday.

About time!

Eel, glad to hear that you guys got the rain!!

There was a bunch of weather that went over or around us this weekend but hardly any of it fell out the sky right here. We got a tad of snow that melted almost instantly and a few nice little showers but nothing compared to the amount of heavy looking clouds that cruised on by up above in the heavy winds.

That Sucks! This past weather system could have so easily dumped on us like a cow peeing on a flat rock. It didn't! Would have been nice!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Rain is the word! We been getting plenty of rain and that can't hurt.

Still no snow though and i would have thought it not possible for this area to not, at least one time anyway, get enough snow on the ground to at least have to get out the snow shovel. Not once! Unbelievable!

I'd wager that this is the first time that's happened here in all recorded history! I might lose that bet but i'd take it.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I believe Larrbo is reporting the Weather from the Big Island, Hawaii as he's getting ready to tee up. Up yours Buddy!! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Thanks larrbo. I told my daughter on the phone that it was 83 in Chico yesterday. She said "Whaaaaaaaat???????":)

Most of our rain blew over east but we did get a little.


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