Weather Report


Very Active Member
Post up your weather reports here. It looks like the Southwest is receiving record amount of precip. If this continues it could be a great year for antler growth down there. I live in Northeastern Utah and we have had quite a bit of snow in the mountains. I haven't been out much in the last couple days, but wonder just how much we have on deer winter ranges? How are things looking in your neck of the woods?


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
Yep down here in southern utah, we have been getting TONS of rain. Looks like its going to continue through wed.
In our area of N.CA. we have gotten anywhere from 3 to 10 inches of rain. The foothills have the most rain for the past 3 days and Lake Tahoe has received 38 inches of new snow.
More rain expected during the next 5 days and the rivers are already high, but not at flood stage,YET!!!

Must be that darn Al Gore's global warming doing all this in the U.S. and Europe also.

We have 1.5ft of snow in my yard in neola (ne utah) still snowing and I know its settled and melted quite a bit from the 35-37 degree temps today.

Well the virgin river is starting to lok like the mississippi river. Time to grab a raft and go for a spin down the river
We've got over a foot here at my house and my bulldozer is sitting in my driveway with a track flipped of the rails. Can someone come help put it back on??? Flippin' Deer and Elk are everywhere!!!
Rain Rain Rain rain rain saw Noah earlier today float by.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
i dont know how deep it is'but all i can see of my bassett hound is the tip of his tail in the yard.... the basin...
NO snow on the ground at 6500', 6-36" 8000' and up Ignacio/Bayfield/Durango CO.

You got a PHD, player haters degree.
If it was just a bit colder the colorado mountains would be buried. As it is they have had very wet snow. The snotel site on Columbine Pass reports a change of 6.1" of precip in the last few days with only 14" of snow depth gain.
looking like 2004/2005 all over again down here in washington county. Floods floods and more floods. I live next to th virgin river and its filling up fast water is running into the hay fields houses are flooding. Some people never learn.
Lot's of Rain earlier, but since last night and today it's just snow. We have 12 to 15 inches in the Kamas (UT) valley now 12-21. Should be a good water year!
About 18" in the lower parts of the Uintah Basin, lots more in the higher country. Supposed to keep coming through Thursday too. The 4 deer we had left on the South Slope of the Unitas are going to have a tough time making it through if it stays like this. Sounds like Central and Southern Utah and getting hammered too. Should be a great year for range conditions though.

Any more word from CO, ID or WY?


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
Much of Utah getting POUNDED. I agree that things could possibly turn bad fast in a lot of places. Hopefull we'll be ontop of things if we need to feed...
Why don't you Kalifornian's share a bit of your rain? East of Colorado Springs is dry, dry, dry! Zero to speak of. At least the mountains are getting it.
I'm not convinced that all this wet weather early in the winter is good for our herds. Heavy wet snow that freezes is one of the worst things for critters to forrage through later in the winter. Dry cold snow is much easier for them to deal with.

I have an ominous feeling about this winter and the health of our deer herd. The winters of 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2005 were devestating and in most places have never allowed a recovery and thus the low deer numbers we're seeing state wide.

2002 wiped out nearly 2/3rds of the deer on the wasatch front when it snowed continuously from Thanksgiving to Christmas ending the year with 4' on the ground at the mouth of parleys canyon. We've had some warm weather in there this year and no where near that amount of snow, but these stretches of endless snowfall are really tough on the critters up there.

It's raining enough here in the Sacramento Valley that I just sent Fishlakeelkhunter and his buddy Toby home without even getting out. My club is flooded out, and it only looks to get worse in the coming days. Raining again as I write this, with another inch or two expected in the next 24 hours.
Night before last We got 20" of snow & kept snowing most of the day yesterday,warm enough some of it was melting/settling but still holding around 20" of wet nasty slick crap!

The Power went out 2 different times & they closed the local school!

Roads are a mess!

Spent all day yesterday shoveling & getting people un-stuck!

Another inch this morning!

It's gonna be a better day today!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 07:58AM (MST)[p]Soaked to the gills here in southern California with a
monster storm on the way. Our big game herds will benefit
from all this precipitation having long suffered from the
effects of drought conditions here in southern California.

The weather in Southwest Wyo is setting the stage for a die-off. Lots of snow, then some rain on top, followed by more snow. If the weather turns off cold (below zero), the feed on the winter range will be encased, and difficult to reach. We need some high wind days, followed by a few 40 degrees and sunny ones.
CRAIG COLORADO: Its been snowing for three days and has let up very little,it was 12 below 0 monday morning at 4am.The elk are moving fast to the west towards maybell,there were about 600 to 700 on our ranch yesterday afternoon laying in the hay.The snow is about 3 ft deep and the wind is howling,need to get back on the backhoe real soon or we wont be able to get out.The weather report looks pretty bad for the next day or to go throw some hay out for all the animals.KC
20" in the Richfield proper and the storm is not over. We'll be lucky to have any deer left on the Monroe.

The last time I saw this much snow and warm weather which suddenly turned cold, a big buck had a big knob of frozen ice on his hoof. Don't know if he made it or not, but in the foothills that spring there were deer carcasses all over. The difference between then and now is we had 10 times the herd to sustain the herd thru the winter.

You will not have that trouble this year because in the winter range I'm talking about, a person would have a hard time counting all of the deer, and now you can count them with your fingers on both hands.

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