weather factor in the high country


Very Active Member
Question - how much does weather play a factor in the high country in late September for mule deer? I've never done an early hunt, always late where you need snow to get them out and visible. I would assume you would want colder weather if possible to keep them on their feet and feeding a touch longer, but I don't know. I would also assume you don't want socked in cold rain either where you can't see anything. So what do you think? I'm looking at the 10 day forecast and wishing it was going to be colder - looks like they're projecting highs in the low 70's and upper 30's at night. That's just for the nearest town anyway. Thoughts?
Weather in the nearest town could be radically different than the high country. How high of country? I hunted the timber today. It wasn't really cold, but rained all day. I saw 13 bucks in the timber. Three were shooters. One I connected with. Unless it is a blizzard or downpour, I find inclement weather favors the hunter.
With the exception of white out conditions or socked in by clouds, colder or overcast weather ALWAYS helps!
Hunt H in Sept. and it froze every night, even had snow flurries a few times. I wouldn't take a tank top and shorts. LOL
IT wasn't a warm hunt for sure, in the shade you was wishing you and more on and in the sun you had to take more off, if you know what I mean. Was a great time and hunt.

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