Weather coming


Active Member
Get ready utah and colorado. Getting slammed here in cali. Tons of rain, wind, and snow. 82 mph gust here. A constant 40-60 mph. Cold is supposed to settle in after this, I hope it doesn't freeze and make it hard for the deer to get any food!
Thanks for the heads up blacktail!

Our northern deer are already struggeling in the deep snow that got crusted over with sub zero temps last week!!

How's the mudslides in the fire area's going to be for you guys with all this rain your getting, are they getting nervous yet???

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I saw on the news they have flash flood warnings down there in S.Ca. Its rained almost 3" here since about 5:30 this morning but no snow yet :)

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Front is moving in here now...temp just jumped 20 degrees and the wind is blowing. Should be a good storm.
I am up in nor cal. I think we got about 4 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. I lost some shingles and my fence from the wind. Better stay inside....
Starting to get ugly here in So. Utah. Blowing like a big dog! Let's all hunker down & hope for the best.

Central Ut. 50*, zero wind and no rain.
Kind of a pleasant evening up to now..
Guess that will change here shortly tho.
blacktailBC, we must be neighbors. I live in Humboldt Co. Big wind and rain here. I put fresh gas in my generator and have lots of dry firewood. I'm ready!

Put the steelhead rods up fpr now. I saw lots of Aleutian geese this afternoon.

Had some really nasty winds this morning and had to return home and see what happened. Found my 20'x10' cover next to garage flipped end over end even thought it was tied to my small utility trailer, one of the metal legs got wedged over a limb of tree on back lawn. It is bent in two locations, so just cut the cover tie downds off and rolled the damn thing up and stuffed it in the yard waste can for now. When this rain, wind stop, then I will see if I can repair it or not.
Next time it will be cemented in concrete. If that tree had not been there, I have 110,000 volt transmission lines over the back yard and that is all I would need for that damn cover to get up into the phases and take out the big substation less than a mile away.

If you leave a good rope tied to it you could do a Ben Franklin impersonation!!!:eek: Lol.....

Everyone: stay safe and keep your powder dry!
Holy crap...another 4 inches of snow here. Heavy and wet this time. Caved my shed in. The brand new bike my son bought w/his hog money is about to get crushed. I don't know how to get it out! I do love my snow, but I'm worried about that bike.

"Some people are like slinkys; not really good for anything
but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-08 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]Yesterday really was wild here in California. I was out with two guests, duck hunting, and it was so windy going out that I almost turned my boat back around, as it was borderline dangerous. I had two guests from Eureka, first time with me, and I didn't want them driving all that way for nothing. We slugged on through the storm out to one of my blinds and settled in. Every time I'd look to the side, the rain and spray being blown off the tops of the whitecaps was going sideways and you could hardly see, except downwind. I was worried about my lab, as she's 11 and it was pretty awful conditions for her, but she didn't seem fazed at all. At first, I wished I'd have left her back at the house, but after a while was glad I had her out there, as she retrieved quite a few of our birds and I only had to help on a few. One thing was for sure, the boat ride back to the dock was much easier and faster with the wind on my stern.

We were wondering how hard it was blowing, as I've been duck hunting for 40 years, and this was one of the windiest days I've ever been out to hunt. Got home and watched the news and the closest city reported, Marysville, reported gusts to 69 mph, steady at 50 plus.

Duck hunting was good, too!
CAelknuts, no problem. Them Eureka boys are tough!:)

TTK, I have a solution for you. Light a fire in the shed. The snow will melt and the shed will burn, leaving only your son's new bike! You gotta keep a cool head and use common sense in these situations!:)

>TTK, I have a solution for
>you. Light a fire in
>the shed. Eel

LOL Genius plan, Eel! Good thing I have a daddy, huh? He rescued the bikes and plowed my driveway. Sure do love my daddy.

"Some people are like slinkys; not really good for anything
but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!"

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