Weather and snow level ??


Long Time Member
I'm in North Eastern Cali, been here going on 30 years now. I can't remember a year where we've had this little of snow on the ground for this time of year.

It's been snowing a bit all evening and into the night but so far, it don't look like much. Seems that we've had it pretty cold, colder than normal and a lot of snow earlier than normal, but it's really slacked off and it might not be too bad a year for the animals that have to fight the winters every year to survive.

How's things looking in your neck of the woods?? :)

Southwest Wyoming has also had a lot of snow early. We've been having some sunny days lately, but all that has done is put a cement hard surface on the snow. Makes it tough for the deer to punch down through it. We're going to have a "high" of 3, yes 3 degrees this coming Tuesday. Deer are right in the middle of town. They just look at you when you walk by, as close as 10 yards. We've had bad winters before, and the deer always seem to bounce back, but I really hate to see this. Shed hunters are getting anxious to get out. Can't go until May 1st in Wyoming. The good thing is they are starting to patrol their own ranks.
It is unreal up here in Elko Nevada. It's been in the 40s for the last 3 weeks. and we are all starting to thing spring is on the way! No snow. And the deer are doing really really well! Unreal year. I've never seen it this warm this time of year!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I think Idaho should have a shed hunting season. Problem is there will be guys hunting and stashing sheds for later. Going out to winter range and taking pictures is not much better. Ron
Sacramento Mountains in SE NM. Maybe 4" of snow all winter.

Last year at this time I bet we had 6'.

Very dry.
>Sacramento Mountains in SE NM.
>Maybe 4" of snow all
>Last year at this time I
>bet we had 6'.
>Very dry.

Paul you've gotten more than us in Albuquerque. Supposed to have a 60% chance mid week and we need it. Drier than a popcorn fart!
Joey, as you know I am a liitle South of you. We had sunshine for the past week. Rain last night & early this morning. Now is blue sky and sunshine.

For the past week that we had sunshine at 1800 ft, the valley floor was socked in with heavy fog. My son's normal 30 minute drive from his home on the Sacramento river to the school where he teaches has been a one hour drive at 45mph due to the fog.

My other son, the cop, stated the accident reports have picked up due the fog and drivers refusing to slow down going to work.

Now I know why those flat landers want to move to the hills. We have better weather in the winter and summer both.

Here on the northcoast has been nice!

Steelhead fishing in the mornings.:) Haven't landed one yet.:( Lawn mowing in the afternoons.}>

I guess you could say I have mixed emotions.


When you didn't show up for the crab feed at Bodega Bay friday night we realised you might not have received your invatation. Lesgo54 bought for the whole gang. Maybe next year.

overton, next year?...NEXT YEAR?????? There probably won't be a next year!!!! Haven't you been watching the news? We're all going down.

Eel, look at the bright side of that, if we do go down, you will not have to mow that damn lawn anymore!!!

-29 outside right now high of -10 tommorow. About 30inches of snow on the ground. Deer and pheasants starving and looking for food. Been cold since middle of november. Looks like the deer herd is gonna take an azz kicking again and im sure we won't have an antelope season again next year. This is in North Dakota
Geeze Dieseldog, That sounds terrible for the wildlife out there but thanks for the report!

Our lows have been in the teens everyday but nothing cold like you guys the snow! The little storm of the past few days turned out to be nothing, forecast is for bright and sunny! Weird winter so far but we'll take it.

Thanks RELH, Eelgrass, and the rest!!

>-29 outside right now high of
>-10 tommorow. About 30inches
>of snow on the ground.
> Deer and pheasants starving
>and looking for food.
>Been cold since middle of
>november. Looks like the
>deer herd is gonna take
>an azz kicking again and
>im sure we won't have
>an antelope season again next
>year. This is in
>North Dakota

Dang! Now I KNOW why I never wanted to be stationed there. Why not Minot? Freezin is the reason! Probably why I haven't heard from my uncle in Bismarck...fingers too cold to type.
Weather report from the frozen hell hole known as Salt Lake City...spring needs to git here quick!!

Snow a bunch early in the season, no big storms lately!! Tired of washing salt off the truck!!

GD it's cold out there this morn!! Wind's not helpin!!

East of Colorado Springs this morning was a balmy -21 with 35 mph wind. Friggin Awesome. Still no snow so far this winter. 60 this last friday...WTF! At least it's not North Dakota.
Washington has been very mild. It started out snowy but hasn't been the winters we usually get. Glad I don't snow ski anymore this would have been a disappointing season. We are going to be water rashioning big time this summer.Great winter for the animals. My buddy lives in Cle Elum and they were hit hard early but it has been mild for the past month.
69 degrees and sunny yesterday here in West Central Texas, now it's about 15 degrees with 6-10 inches of blowing snow, wind chill advisories etc. Dang I was just getting ready to plant some garden. Guess that wiil hve to wait a week.

Phantom Hunter
I would give my left nut if AK had that nice of weather right now. Since about mid Nov. it has been above zero maybe like a dozen times. The last 3 days included. it has actually been like 20 degrees out, so life is good right now. But for the week prior to this "warm snap" it was -20 to -50. The day that it hit -50 me and some of the guys from the village I live in had a basketball tourney to go play in, 70 miles down the Yukon River. Its not like anywhere else; We didn't jump in the truck and ride to the next town, nope we fired up the snowmobiles, bundled up tight headed out of town when it was about -30. At about 1 a.m. we were finished playing ball and headed back up river when it hit -50 or more... Its amazing how the Natives have adapted to this type of weather. I was bundled up like that little kid on "the Christmas Story".. arms sticking straight out because of some many clothes... an amazing experience for a Montanan.

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"
Been very cold here in SW NM mtns,not much snow til today.6-12" and more coming.Windchill factors below zero.Maybe a high of 16 deg. tomorrow.Hear it's snowing in Albuquerque now,very icy.
WoW this really took off way better than i could ask for.

Great responses guys! Neat to hear how this winter has been so far in all the different areas!! Thanks!!


It's been snowing off and on all day and I had around 4" when I left the house around 1 this afternoon. My co-workers and I are getting ready to bail from work before it gets any worse. The feds on base left before I got to work. A low of 1 tonight, high of 16 tomorrow and 10 BELOW tomorrow night. Cold doesn't even begin to describe it! Definately not the Albuquerque we're used to.
philthy, 0 degrees right now. Calling for record lows tonight. -10 ??

Should have a foot of snow by tomorrow morning.
Well sage!

Mostly little snow storms of 3"-4" until December,26" in one day!

A couple more storms that layed 3"-4" since!

-18 as we speak,bet it gets colder here in a few hours!

Better have your additive added & your Fords plugged in this morning!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
-18 degrees,without the 30-40mph winds,so it's seriously cold....and the foot of snow has blow to somewhere.Probably over to Pauls place.
Well Joey, It's 6 outside now in good ole Mid Mo with a wind chill of -16. We have about 18" of snow on the ground with more to come this weekend.

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