We Can Do More For Kole's Mom & Dad


Long Time Member
There something we can do to help. Words are comforting, actions are more comforting. Are we going to talk the talk or walk the walk?

We'd all like to help in anyway we can. Most of us only know this young man through this web site but wish there was someway we could remove the pain from he and his families hearts but there is little we can do but express our love and understanding.

However, they are a very young family and this isn't the first time we've heard of set backs they've had with wrecks of various kinds. What they really need and will never ask for (would any of us) is money. These tragedies are not just matters of the heart they take money, money most young families don't have.

While the Mair family are most certainly grieving the untimely loss of their precious son today and tomorrow, a month from now they will be faced with the need to cover the cost of the services and other expenses they have had no way to prepare for at such a young age.

If we really want to help, if you haven't already, (apparently a few have ) send them money. What ever you can give, $5, $10, $20, $100, $500, $1000, do it. Some of us can send a little, others can send more. Just figure out a way and do it. YOU'LL LIKE YOURSELF IF YOU DO.

Really folks, I doubt most of us will ever meet this young couple but they are one of us and you know they need a hand up right now. This is what people like us do for each other. We're the good guys, remember. This is our chance to be real life Woodrow Call & Gus McCrae (Lonesome Dove) types, but the real deal, not some movie actors pretending.

QTPIE posted this up as a way to get funds to the Mairs. If her suggestions don't fit your saddle, figure out your own way but put a check in the mail tomorrow before you let it slide.

Kenny's most recent post: http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID11/14667.html

It's The Right Thing Ta'Do.

If anyone is willing, I think there's another way someone could help...I know for a fact Kenny and and his wife have been trying to have a wood burning stove/chimney put in their house. I talked to him about it less than a week before the tragedy struck. He was originally quoted around 5 or 6K and then the bid came back at 13K. I'm not a contractor but have worked for one and built 12 plex's in the past...I also know whoever made that bid is up in the frickin night thinking it'll cost anywhere near 13 grand to do it!! If anyone here is willing to help him out on labor or something, I'd be willing to volunteer my time start to finish taking orders from someone who knows what they're doing. They're spending a fortune in propaine each winter and this would save them a lot in the years to come...any contractors on here willing to help this family out?? Winter's going to be back in no time...

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Great post, Deloss.

Carrie and Kenny are very giving people and are very worthy of everyone's support. The world is a better place because of them. I too would like to invite everyone to give what they can and continue the ripple effect created by these fine people. It is now their turn to be on the receiving end. If you have the means, please make it so.

A US Postal Address is:

Kenny Mair
Route 4
Box 4241
Roosevelt, Utah 84066

I did receive permission from a family member to post the address.

Let's fill'er up folks.

[email protected]

life really sucks sometimes. you and me have talked each other through some pretty bad stuff before and god knows youve helped me to keep strong in my time of sorrow but damnit i just cant help you on this one. sorry for letin you down and not havin any answers.
I'll be glad to offer my labor in helping with the addition. Unfortunately I'm not a contractor so labor is all I can offer...
Here's another way we can help. Kenny has a dog that he wants to get down to my neck if the woods to get bred, but, obviously he needs to focus on his family at the moment. If someone can get the dog closer to Southern Utah, I'll meet you and we will get him some pups cooking. He told me that he thinks a batch of pups will really help his other boy out in this trying time. Anybody from the basin heading South?
N-C... surprised you didn't call me on your thoughts about the fireplace. Id be more than happy to help with this. I am a general contractor remember? I couldn't imagine going threw what kenny is( im tearing up as I write this just thinking about it) give me a buzz Z
Brandon, I'll help you out with it for sure...thanks a ton bro!! I gave Kenny your number, he'll give you a call when things settle down a little. You're a good man!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~

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