Wave Bye-Bye


Long Time Member
Yesterday we had great weather so we went for a drive up the canyon, a winding paved road in some scenic country. We were following a guy on a Harley, about 50 yards behind him. As he was going around a tight corner a group of Harley (I assume) riders was coming down the hill the other way. Of course they all had to wave to each other. The one guy lost control of his bike, waving with one hand, going around the corner. He got it slowed down enough to avoid serious injury but tipped his ride over right at the guard rail. We stopped, he was OK but the bike sustained some expensive repairs. I was glad he wasn't hurt and all but being the heartless guy I am I just laughed my @ss off when we got back in the truck. My wife asked what the F? I explained to her that Harley riders, no matter what the situation always wave to each other for some unknown reason. They got this bond I guess. I don't wave to other guys in trucks or on mountain bikes. Why the Harley Ego? I know some guys here must ride em, whats the explanation?
Not a Harley ego. That particular rider was inexperienced and had no concept of weight and balance.

Could be that he left his wife back at the gas station and didn't account for the change in balance.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
i think it had more to do with him going to fast, not keeping his eye on the road and making sure the others saw him wave then it did driving with one hand.

"Could be that he left his wife back at the gas station and didn't account for the change in balance." Nice! :)
Harley riders aren't waving to each other. If you look close you'll see that they are signaling to each other how many quarts of oil leaked out last night.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
lol eel.

Actually they are trying to reassure each other that they are not idiots.

The only difference between a Harley motorcycle and a Hoover vacuum cleaner is where you put the dirt bag.

Seriously.....ride to die? Really? You ride your motorcycle so you can die on it?

Cracks me up when you see a Harley dide snub a guy on a crotch rocket! IMO- you don't need to wave to someone cuz their doing the same thing you are. We all take sh!ts....why not wave at everybody? I don't get it....


How's that Wiz? :)
Hey Steve,

I am sitting here putting 'The Kids in the Pool' and wanted to give you a wave out.

Do they sell HD asswipe?

Wiz I dont ride, but I think I was a little rusty on the saying,

Ride TILL you die, I dont think people get on scooters to intentionally die, but imagine the concept of Kamikaze bikers though....:)
And how many of you dorks drive jeeps?....cuz we all know you guys have your own little courtsey too....lol

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

I oughta get that tattooed on my arm....just under the one that says "Mom".

CJ- Ya, you sounded a bit rusty to say the least. That's funny sh!t!!

I thought about buying a Zion just so I could be in a car club!

steve i thought the saying was hit it dont quit it, if she is ugly tag it paper bag it...bigger girl make sure no other MM members see ya hit it ...


has anyone seen my kittie
Speaking of the Harley phenomenon.... Any of you long time hard core HD guys out there? Doesn't it kinda ruin the whole deal now that everybody and their dog is now riding a Harley? I mean, all these wimpy buttoned-down city slickers and their brand new bikes and leathers crack me up and I don't even ride.
Here's a "wave bye bye" shot.
No helmet, no shirt, 20 years old and bulletproof....(roll eyes)


I'm really surprised there aren't more newbie biker fatalities.
I see so many more people on bikes nowadays.
The street is soooo unforgiving.

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