Watch your sheds...

It astounds me what some people will do for horns and white horns at that. I couldn't stomach stealing someones trophy they proudly have on their home
Not mine but someone I know,seems this happens every year the horn buyers advertise on craigslist.Id like these punks to ge caught and charged with a feleny theft.
It's a shame that there are a-holes who covet other people's sheds and have no qualms stealing them, especially if they are your neighbors.

i had a dozen old chalky 4s taken from my garden, my neighbor is missing a couple too.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-11 AT 07:39PM (MST)[p]It sucks people steal from others. I hope he gets them back. Just out of curiousity what was the purpose for bringing Tines Up into the post?
There are a couple antler poacher/thieves out of Missoula (near lincoln) that make their home on Tu posting pics of themselves trespassing on private property and sneaking into the WMAs before they open.
NONYAMT, I know how you feel about 8 years ago my wife and I got home from a weekend at the ranch and I went out to my shed to get the lawn mower out to do some much needed yard work. When I got to the shed the lock was off and the door was cracked open. All of my sheds had been taken along with about a dozen skulls. They didn't only stop there they also cleaned out my rock garden decorations. The sad part it had to be someone who I had shown my sheds to. No one else would have known about my stash. It is probably a good thing I never have found out who the culprit was. I would have been forced to open a 6'3" 220 lb can of whoop azz on them.

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