Watch out for falling cows.


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MANSON, CHELAN COUNTY: Beware of falling rock, and cows: Couple survives freak accident
Published: November 7th, 2007 01:00 AM

A Chelan County fire chief says a couple were lucky they weren't killed by a cow that fell off a cliff and smashed their minivan.

District 5 Chief Arnold Baker says the couple missed being killed by a matter of inches Sunday as they drove on Highway 150 near Manson.

The 600-pound cow fell about 200 feet and landed on the hood of the minivan carrying Charles Everson Jr. and his wife, Linda, of Westland, Mich., who were in the area celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary. They were checked at Lake Chelan Community Hospital as a precaution.

The van was heavily damaged, including having its windshield broken.

Charles Everson says he kept repeating, ?I don't believe this. I don't believe this.?

The year-old cow had been reported missing by a breeder. It was euthanized at the scene.

This might hurt too
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-07 AT 02:34AM (MST)[p]If they could fly they wouldn't land on folk's windshields.

I wish deer and elk and moose could fly, no one would kill 'em on the roads and i bet i could find a good roosting spot or two


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