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Hey all,
I don't usually pass on stuff I get as forwards just because I figure everyone else probably got it from someone, too. However, this little radio station clip is so amazing that I wanted to make sure everyone on my address list got it at least once. If you already got it from someone else, God bless and have a great day. If you haven't, though, please take the less than three minutes it takes to listen to this. Perhaps it was a message meant for you.

A remarkable phone call from a 12-yr old boy to Houston radio station KSBJ FM 89.3. So profound, the station has it posted on their website. Click below to listen to it. It's short.
Turn up your speakers---Watch on youtube:
I thought that was pretty cool too, Kw. I heard it right before Thanksgiving on the day my little brother had to put his beloved bloodhound,Sam, to sleep. I bawled, my kids bawled, he bawled, my mom was so hard to say goodbye. This kid's profound sentiment kinda put it into perspective for us though.


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