Washington hunting sucks


Long Time Member
I tried one last time to hunt deer in Washington in Winthrop. What a joke!!! The Methow valley has been bought up by greenies and granola crunchers and have posted everything "NO HUNTING". It's really sad because I use to hunt these areas with my father 25 years ago and see some great bucks. Now there are homes where we use to hunt. I will spend my hunting dollars in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming from this day forward. Good bye and good riddence Washington hunting. I will spend the winter on winter range taking pictures and with great memories of years gone by.
Dude, the entire west is like that. Montana is just as bad and getting worse, you just have a different threashold for change and your used to seeing some. I understand where youre coming from, but why to you think it's any different in monatana? people and deer both want to live in the same places, the deer most often lose. . .
know what you mean, the good ole days are gone! and so are the deer.......

I can't help but think of the good ole days, it truely bumb's me out, last sunday I walked into a wilderness area, 5 miles in and hit every traditional drainage and draw only to se 3 does, 9 hours of hunting...shee's just sad man....
Yeah things will never be the same. Less game, less habitant for the game, less public property that is legal to hunt. Lower percentage of the public that approves of hunting or understands why we as hunters find it to be such an important part of who we are. More and more serious disputes between and amongst our hunting community. Yeah it will never be the same and unless we unite to further our interests, it will only get worse.
T, Montana has a 5 or 6 deer limit this year!!! 1 buck and 5 does. You will be lucky to see 1 buck and 6 does in Washington...My buddy hunts Montana and hunts on private ranches that "welcome hunters" that are 25,000 acres big. If I can draw the tag I'm going....
Actually in my area it is 7 deer. Good luck getting on any piece of property that has whitetails and pheasants on. The Milk River Valley is locked up tighter then a drum for the most part. It isn't much different then WA.


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